Aug 6, 2009

Show me Your Breakfast Voting

The poll for Show me Your Breakfast! event has been put up. You can find it on the left sidebar. Please check the roundup below and vote for your favorite entries. Please judge the entries based on how healthy, nutritious and wholesome it is. Also take into account the picture of the entry. The voting closes on August 13th at 12 AM PST. Will be announcing the winner and the giveaway after that. And I can ship the giveaway to anywhere in the United States or India.

Show me Your Breakfast Roundup Part I

Show me Your Breakfast Roundup Part II

Start voting!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Please collect your award from my blog :)

  3. @ Anonymous,
    Thanks for your valuable suggestions. Will consider that for my next event.

  4. Hi Divya, Please drop by my blog, I've an award waiting for you.. Thanks.

  5. Hello darling, I just stumpled on your blog and now I can't leave. Everything sounds so delicious. Thanks for sharing. I just signed up as a follower.

    Duchess xx


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..