Oct 12, 2009

Sprouted Wheatberry Bean Salad

I have heard a lot about whole grains, sprouts and their nutrition. But I have always been skeptical to try them. On our trip to the grocery store, I picked a pack of wheatberries and it was lying in my pantry for a while. Googling for recipes, I came across a lot of salads and soups with wheatberries. I learnt that its nutrition is maximum brought out when sprouting the berries. So I sprouted a cup of wheatberries and moong dal separately. Then I prepared a quick salad and we had it with a piece of bread to make a wholesome nutritious meal!

Wheat berries(sprouted) - 1 cup
Sprouted moong dal - 1 cup
Garbanzo beans - 1 cup
Carrot - 1
Cucumber -1
Golden raisins - 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar and olive oil - for the dressing
Salt and pepper - to taste

Soak wheatberries and moong dal separately overnight.
In the morning, drain the water wash them separately and place in a jar tied with a muslin cloth. Leave it overnight. In the morning you will see the berries and the moong dal sprouted. Wash them and follow the same method if you want them to sprout even longer.
When you are ready to make the salad,
Pressure cook the wheat berries and the garbanzo beans. You could use canned garbanzo beans instead. The wheatberries should get a chewy texture.
Grate the carrots and cucumber.
Combine together, the wheatberries, sprouted moong dal, carrots, cucumber, raisins.
Season with a dressing made with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Also add salt and pepper to taste.
This tastes so good and kept us full for hours.

Coming up!
Wheatberry-kidney bean soup!!


  1. Very healthy one. Though I regularly sprout beans, never thought of doing wheat berries. I do have wheat kernels at home and will sprout them soon. :)

  2. WOW... Healthy and lovely looking salad. YUM!

  3. A very health salad ..great dish for losing weight too:)

  4. a healthy salad!! looks so delicious Divya!!

  5. I don't think I've seen wheatberries before. Salad looks bright and colorful. Love salads like this one - wholesome and nutritious.

  6. Thats a very healthy and delicious salad Dhivya...must be filling too :)

  7. We too are trying to incorporate whole grains in our daily diet. I haven't tried wheat berries yet.

  8. Looks new colourful and healthy divya!!

  9. The salad is healthy and nutritious! Really good for health-conscious people!

  10. I am big fan of salads. This one looks so nice and healthy. I have never used wheatberry must try it soon.

  11. I'm soon planning to eat one atleast One type of salad each week, so this is really gonna be helpful!

    Btw congrats “Over The Top Award” is waiting @ my blog, please do collect it :)

  12. i bought some wheat berries from india this time..this one is a good idea..

  13. Healthy and eyecatching salad, really very filling too..Great salad Divya..

  14. Healthy & yummy salad.Do visit my blog when u find time

  15. Healthy salad divya............it looks delicious.

  16. sprouting wheatberries...new to me n interesting also.

  17. Healthy one.. Looks colourful and lovely!

  18. a healthy salad dear..nice click..please do participate in my first cooked food event...check my blog for details

  19. Simple and delicious salad! And a great way to lose a couple of pounds too!! Nice click dear!

  20. Looks like its salads everywhere. I will have to make one for my Diwali guests. I am sure they will love the healthy Diwali this time.

  21. Sounds and looks great! Nice clicks!

  22. Hi Divya ,

    This sounds yummy and healthy. After seeing your salad i'm tempted to try wheat berry :).

    I would surely try your suggestion of cauliflower Pakoda.

    And i tried your badam kheer and it was yummy.

  23. Hi. The salad looks perfect. BTW for are wheat berries, I have never heard about them. Do write about them in your next post.

  24. Sprouting is such a real deal. I sprout wheat berries and I simply love them! Love the salad divs :)

  25. Thats a healthy salad there, very fulfilling...a right way to diet.

  26. Wow.Definetly fits my meal plan. Thanks for sharing :)

  27. இனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துகள்

  28. Never tried Wheat berries...salad sure must be nutrient-packed :D

  29. Healthy and colorful salad, good one Divya ! Belated Diwali wishes to you and yours...


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