Dec 3, 2009

Pomegranate Jam/Preserve

I have been MIA in the blogosphere for the past few days. I still cook at home but nothing much interesting to click and post. Hope everyone is having a good holiday season!

I made this delicious and healthy pomegranate jam at home. It is so easy to make and it really tastes like the storebought preserves minus the preservatives and high fructose corn syrup!. I made this with fresh whole pomegranates in season. You could also try it with POM juice. You could reduce the amount of sugar and replace it with sweeteners like honey agave nectar etc.

Tastes great with toast!

Whole pomegranates - 7 or 8 (or) 5 cups of unsweetened POM juice
Sugar - 2 cups
Honey - 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice from half a lemon
Pectin - 1 packet powdered

Cut the pomegranate into two and discard the peel and the membranes. Transfer all the pomegranate seeds to a blender or juicer and pulse for a minute.
Strain the juice and remove the seeds.
If using POM juice, skip the above step.
Transfer the juice to a heavy bottomed vessel. Add the sugar, lemon juice, pectin and honey and stir so that all the contents dissolve in the juice.
Meanwhile sterilize the jam bottles by boiling them in hot water for several minutes.
When the juice comes to a boil, simmer for about two minutes and remove from heat.
Transfer it carefully into the sterilized bottles and close. Allow it to set at room temperature.
Refridgerate when set. Stays fresh for 3 to 4 weeks.

Serve with warm toast!

Sending this to Sanghi's FIL-Fruits and CFK :Veggies/Fruits initially started by Sharmi

and also sending this to Back to Basics initially started by Jaya.


  1. Nothing like home made jam! This looks absolutely delicious! If it was in my house - I would pick a spoon and lick it every time I cross the fridge! Love it!

  2. wow!!!!!!! sounds very easy.....yummy on bread

  3. very nice...never tried with pomogranate..its a nice way relish this seasonal fruit through out the year.

  4. Really great dear...Sounds very healthy and colourful.

  5. An unusual preserve- super health fruit also! I love the 2 nd pic!

  6. Yum..:)Have never come across Pom jam..we get good Pomegranates,I should try this one out!!

  7. Thats a healthy and yummy looking Jam.. I would love to try this sometime..

  8. looks too good divya..what is pectin?

  9. Perfect for the toast.looks yummy.nice color too

  10. That looks so yummy! The best thing is that it is totally healthy!

  11. what a lovely recipe Divya! I cant take iron supplements so Doc asked me to take Pomegranate during my pregnancy. I was so bored peeling and eating them the whole evening...wish I had this recipe then. but this is a keeper so bookmarked.

  12. Yummy, first time here at your space, and the jam look inviting!
    Following you too!


  13. Never heard about this preserve, looks marvellous..

  14. I love homemade jam. It looks so delicious.

  15. Thats a lovely attempt in making jam at home..

  16. A very health fruit jam..can Pectin be found in Walmart...What's the purpose of adding them to the jam??Is it same as the powder used to make jelly??

  17. A very new preserve Dhivya...sounds interesting...healthy one too :)

  18. First time came to know bout pomegranate jam...nice one.

  19. wow the Jam looks great... and a great coincidence.. I made jam too 2 weeks ago but minus honey and different fruits though.. I was waiting to do the canning process to post the recipe... will post mine soon...

  20. Wow thats a great home-made Jam!! Looks so inviting!

  21. this preserve looks absolutely delicious. Loved the colour.

  22. lot of work...looks good and delicious..

  23. Oh I am so making these! Pomegranate jam - why in god's name did I not think of it!!!

  24. wow.. never heard of a preserve made of anar.. neat recipe,D. :)

  25. wow.. looks very nice..just like store bought. apdiye sapdlam pola iruke.

  26. I LOVE pom but never thought to make jam with it.. what a beautiful colour. Lovely idea.

  27. An awesome looking fresh jam! Nice work Divya! :)

  28. Lovely preserve. Sounds so healthy n delicious.

  29. Wow what lovely recipe . Your pictures are always awesome too.

    Thank you Divya for dropping by my blog.

  30. lovely jam Divya !!
    i am famous for making every fruit into a jam but never made a pom jam ... just dint want to use any pectin , but i am thinking that a guava jelly can be fortified with pom juice n a pom guava preserve will be so good...

  31. just posted a comment n am not sure if that got through ...
    the jam looks lovely Divya !!

  32. Hi divya ,
    Jam looks yummy ..i will certainly try at home ..just one question ..what is Pectin? Is there a substitute for it which can be found in Mumbai?


  33. Just made this with my fresh picked pomegranites from our tree and it is fabulous! Thank you so much!
    Cynthia from California


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..