Jan 6, 2010

Murungakeerai Poriyal / Stir Fried Drumstick Leaves

I remember having this poriyal often at home since we had a drumstick tree back at home. Drumsticks used to find its place in several dishes and we almost got tired of having it so often. Here I hardly find fresh drumsticks. During our trip to the Indian store, I found a bunch of fresh drumstick leaves and without thinking what I would be making with it, it just landed in our shopping cart.
I got this recipe from amma and made it the next day. And we really liked it. We had it with dal, rice and some papads. Makes a wholesome, nutritious meal!

Drumstick leaves - about 2 cups
Grated coconut - 2 tablespoons
Split moong dal - 1 tablespoon
Oil - 1 spoon
Onion - 1/2
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon
Urad dhal - 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves - few
Green chillies - 2
Salt to taste

Wash and remove the drumstick leaves from the stalk. Soak the split moong dal in water for a few minutes so that it cooks quickly.
In a skillet, add the oil and do the tempering with mustard seed, urad dhal and curry leaves. Add the chopped onions and green chillies and saute for a minute. Add the washed drumstick leaves, salt and soaked moong dal. Cover and cook for a minute.
Do not allow the leaves to get mushy. Finally add the grated coconut and mix well. Remove from heat.

Serve hot with rice and curry.


  1. Such a healthy,nutritious and delicious stir fry..my fav.

  2. Hey Divya,

    The Poriyal looks too good... healthy and yummy:)

  3. wow, Drumstick leaves in US....I wish we get it in our Indian store too....This is my favorite.

  4. One of our traditional favourites too! Good pictures Divya.

  5. A heathy one...my grandma used to make this whenever we visited her in kerala. Looks so yummy and tasty.

  6. We usually get them at Chinese or Vietnamese stores here. Healthy one too if we don`t mind the hassle of separating the leaves.Looks very delicious.

  7. blogged about ur zebra cake today. we enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing

  8. We get pretty much the whole year in Bay!One of my fav keerai poriyal! Lovely!

  9. Oh wow parkave vai uruthu I am missing this sooooooooooooooo much here. that too atleast in LA i rarely get after coming here :( i love it..pls parcel me some'

  10. We had a big drumstick tree back at home...Mom used to make this regularly with mooong daal..I dont get it anymore here..Nice recipe and click too

  11. I love the sweetness of this curry..mom makes it very well..its been ages I had this....looks good dear

  12. This is one of my favorite dish at my grandma's house... Even you make it ? Wow ! Its an awesome dish - only if you have eaten it will you know how yum it is...

  13. Hey u getting drumstick leaves in CA?
    Send me some leaves ;)
    I love this curry, BTW

  14. such a healthy greens....to be frank im little lazy to clean this leaves...so i wont buy..but after cing this recipe, surely i will do this

  15. Wow! Healthy and tempting poriyal! My all time fav.

  16. this sounds so healthy..i got the leaves once..used them in dal..this one sounds good..

  17. Very new to me...never tasted drumstick leaves before....simple and yum recipe...

  18. My grandmother has two huge trees of Drumsticks in her backyard, loved the porial. I haven't eaten Drumstick leaves in a long time.

    Happy 2010! :)

  19. It is not a wonder how the leaves got into your cart for me but what is surprising is you found them in the US :) I love them too and you sure guessed.. I am feeling envious.

  20. What a healthy dish to start the new year Divya !!

  21. I have never had drumstick leaves but I am amazed that you found fresh drumstick even. I only get the thick frozen ones :(

  22. Its been ages, I have seen this greens...they are healthy and taste...am glad that you cud find them here:)

  23. Interesting recipe ,I have never seen or cooked with drumstick leaves.May be can use baby spinach in its place??? Nice recipe.

  24. My fav greens..It's been a while since I had this, since we do not get it here :( This visit reminds me that we haven't sent anything to your event..will do it soon :-)

  25. I love this recipe but just hate separating the leaves from the drumstick stems :)

  26. Happy new year to u and ur family, Divya

  27. Hey Divya - this looks great - I wish I got a bunch in my Indian store - I've kind of stopped buying fresh muragakkai too - they are as thick as podalanga...and there is no flavor inside. The frozen one is better. I wish I get some murungakeerai here!

  28. i don't find murungai keera here.. where do u get it?

  29. ரொம்ப அருமையான முருங்கக்கீரை பொரியல் திவ்யா.

    கர்பிணி பெண்களுக்கு மிகவும் நல்லது


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