Mar 25, 2010

Green Monster for Breakfast

I know this title sounds like something fishy! Yes, it is called Green Monster in the blogosphere!
It is another great breakfast I discovered recently. This is a slight variation of the spinach- banana smoothie which most of you guessed correctly. I made this with swiss chard which I recently grabbed from the farmers market. It was my first trip to the farmers market near our new home and I was thrilled to see all the fresh vegetables and fruits fresh straight out of the farms. I did all the vegetable and fruit shopping for the week and above all they are all organic without all those pesticides and wax!!

The swiss chard can be replaced by any kind of spinach or greens.. I guarantee you will never get the weird raw spinach taste. It is masked well by the sweetness of the fruit you add. It has all the goodness of fruits and veggies and I added some cereal to it and it made a great breakfast.

In the mix:
Swiss chard - 1 cup packed
Banana - 1
Milk - 1 cup
Peanut Butter - 1 tablespoon
Any cereal - 1/2 cup (Oats, wheat bran, oat bran, corn flakes, wheat flakes or any regular cereal)
I used Bob's Red Mill 7 grain cereal
Flax seeds - 1 teaspoon (optional)

Wash the spinach/greens thoroughly to remove all the sand particles. Chop roughly. Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend for 30 seconds to 1 minute in order to get a smooth smoothie. If you want more sweetness add a teaspoon of honey to keep it all natural!

Keep the ratio of spianch:banana 1:1 in order to balance the taste of the smoothie.

Makes a great nutritious and power-packed smoothie!!
Sending this to Healing Foods:Spinach started by Siri and being hosted by me,
JFI: Breakfast started by Indira and hosted this month at Veggie Platter and also to Serve me some Juices, Shakes, Smoothies

You have a left to send in your entries for the following events:
Tried and Tasted
Healing Foods
Sunday Snacks -Healthy Snacks


  1. hey that so refreshing..lovely colored health drink..

  2. You should have done your guess this monster post on this - I would have had no idea that swiss chard went in here!

  3. Oh this is new...Looks so yummy and healthy...Love the color..

  4. very heathly drink....but little bit confused about the it tastes??

  5. Dear,
    It looks very healthy but I ain't trying this no matter how yummy it tastes.

  6. Very interesting drink Divya...all power-packed...I think I can make this after I hit the gym :)

  7. Its a power packed drink Divya, but dont know the taste...actually thinking whether or not to explore..

  8. wow.. very interesting. Will try it soon...

  9. Hey Div, you have Gone Green!! Way too creative and healthy... keep it coming

  10. sharing an award with you in my blog :)

  11. Dear, I am glad to say that I have a chance to share few awards with you. Please collect your awards from my blog. Cheers...

  12. Lovely Monster :)) Very nice and healthy recipe!!!

  13. Interesting drink indeed and very healthy one!

  14. I am yet to try adding spinach to my smoothie... love all your smoothie ideas :)

  15. The color is awesome but wonder how it should taste this monster!

  16. You are such a good girl to have such healthy breakfasts Divya! I still have not tried having raw greens.

  17. The color of the drink is very tempting... Inspite of your assurance of no raw taste of spinach, I doubt if I will like the taste. May be I have to try keeping the healthy tag in mind.

  18. its quite different....can never imagine..banana & spinach combo..gr8 job..will have to try soon...looks yum yum ... :)

  19. healthy and delicious breakfast.. looks very tempting.. :)

  20. I know it is really healthy, but i am sure i wousn't be ablt to drink this, i know someone who loves in my family this drink will be my MIL, she loves everyything helthy.

  21. Very!!! healthy smoothie indeed,i will try with spinach!

  22. blender looks nice,can u tell the brand

  23. what a creative way to pack so much nutrition into 1 yummy smoothie :))

  24. Hi Divya,
    Banana and spinach !!! such a healthy combination. Love the colour.
    Please collect your award from my blog.
    Keep blogging
    Have a nice weekend

  25. Healthy and very peppy looking! We talk about going green with everything we do and here you are, telling us how to literally eat green and stay healthy too. Thanks for sharing!

  26. wooow!!!! very healthy n easy drink for any time.sounds great n different dear...

  27. hi,
    the drink looks so appealing and a healthy one too.

  28. Lovely recipe , beautiful clicks n a super wonderful name !! i'm sure kids would love this healthy version ..

    @ Little Food Junction

  29. very healthy! and am going to make it soon for my kid. hey...have an award for you at my blog, please collect it.

  30. calcium hinders absorption of iron,you might want to leave out the mlk!!


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