Jun 4, 2010

Cherry Clafouti (Julia Child's recipe)

Have you watched 'Julie and Julia' ?? I feel that it is a movie that every food blogger could relate with! This recipe for this Cherry Clafouti is adapted from Julia Child! One fruit that I have tried only after coming to the US is cherry. I totally love to have cherries all by itself. I somehow reserved some cherries to make this lovely dessert for my hubby's birthday dinner. It turned out really good and we had it along with some french vanilla icecream! Divine!!

Onto the recipe..

Ingredients (Source: Julia Child)

Milk - 1 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/3 cup
Eggs - 3
Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1/8 teaspoon
Flour - 1/2 cup
Cherries, pitted - 3 cups
Sugar - 1/3 cup
Powdered sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 350 F.

In a blender blend together the milk, 1/3 cup of sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt and flour.

Pour a 1/4 inch layer of the batter in a buttered 7 or 8 cup lightly buttered fireproof baking dish. Place in the oven until a film of batter sets in the pan.

Remove from the heat and spread the pitted cherries over the batter. Sprinkle on the 1/3 cup of sugar. Pour on the rest of the batter.

Bake at 350 degrees for about for about 45 minutes to an hour.

The clafouti is done when puffed and brown and and a knife plunged in the center comes out clean. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm!
Check out these lovely giveaways at Chef in You and Snacksgiving


  1. very nice recipe...lovely pics..so u too a julia child's fan?welcome to the club

  2. beautiful dish.. looks very tempting... Julia child rocks..

  3. I love all clafouti and this looks so so yummy yumm.

  4. looks colorful & yummy ...nice pics dear...

  5. Very deliciousand colorful cherry calfouti.
    Belated birthday wishes to your husband.These days I see many bloggers posting recipes inspired by Julia Child.Nice to recipes of the legendary Julia Child.

  6. Wow, that looks lovely !!! Simply great looking dessert !!! I am sure your husband must have appreciated it a lot. I love Julie and Julia as well.

  7. yes it definitely seems divine!! Not heard about julia child...got to google

  8. We are Big time fans of Julia child, We loved the movie to the fullest Divya,

    Cherry clafouti looks absolutely yummy...

    Kairali sisters

  9. Clafouti looks lovely. Haven't watched Julie & Julia, but jeard a lot abt it.
    I love watching Julia & Jacque cooking on PBS.
    Have a good weekend.

  10. Looks lovely! How did you get by with pitting so many cherries :)

  11. Looks delicious... Yummy Cherry calfouti

  12. My favourite dessert, fabulous clafoutis..

  13. Awesome cherry clafouti. I am seeing this everywhere! Summer is truly here!

  14. Cherry Clafoutis is a French classy! The pict is beautiful!

  15. cherries are available in plenty..i made a cake too..this looks yumm..

  16. delisious deish dear.......serving with a cup of ice cream will make so tasty...

  17. Looks so yummy, it's almost like a custard with very little flour.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your comments Divya, yes i'm from tuticorin, i grew up there, originally from Kanyakumari district.

  18. wow dear...u r rocking...
    very lovely recipe with beautiful clicks.

  19. Divya,
    I just posted Tried and Tasted announcement. Just wanted to let you know. Nice dessert. I love cherries as they are too.

  20. Hi Divya
    I never knew about this dessert. Thank you for introducing.

  21. Yummy baked goodie. Nice recipe. Looks so tempting. Turned out perfect for u....YUM!

  22. very very colourfull.iam sure kids love it.

  23. Hi Divya,
    Can I ask you for a favour? Could you please help make a mention of the giveaway that I have on my blog currently. There is less than a week left, and I would encourage as many people to enter as possible. It is a $100 giveaway to celebrate the blog's birthday. Thanks!

  24. Congrats for being selected for the "blog of the month".i will be participating in the tried & tested event b'coz i follow ur blog.

  25. Classic click buddy.. Looks so damn tempting. Yummmm :)

  26. beautiful clicks, divya! and wonderful recipe too. belated b'day wishes to your hubby.

  27. Congrats! clafouti is delicious...lovely presentation!

  28. Wow that's a wonderful dessert..Super pics yaar !!!

  29. This looks too yummy!! We started getting cherries in the market just last week - I am just enjoying them fresh for now.

  30. This came out very well.
    I like the movie julie and julia a lot,very inspiring.

  31. Looks gorgeous Divya! Love the cherries!

  32. love this recipe, really yummy. love that movie julie and julia. my fav one.

  33. Ofcourse, I love the movie too! Your clafoutis looks great, did you cut the cherries?

  34. I have never tried anything with cherry.. but clafoutis looks yummy...
    do visit my blog some day

  35. No butter or oil? or did you forget to type those ingredients?


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