Nov 24, 2010

Colorful lil' Potatoes and a giveaway!

Potatoes are comfort food for many. It can be paired easily with any meal and can bring back memories of holidays and family dinners. The potatoes from Tasteful Selections have bold colors, unique flavors, small sizes and faster cooking times and are perfect for any occasion.

"Baskin-Robbins may have beat us with 31 flavors, but eight flavors of potatoes plus our medleys in three different sizes makes for a lot of potatoes choices and endless meal possibilities." boast the people at Tasteful Selections. The potatoes fit into modern busy lives and offer a great culinary experience because they are quick cooking and appetizing too.
Why They Taste Great: Unique Flavors, Tender Skins and Moist Textures

Why They Are Easy To Prepare: Pre-washed; no cleaning or peeling needed and Small sizes = faster cook times

The potatoes come in different bite sizes. But choice doesn’t end with size—choice also comes in a variety of flavors. Check out all the different flavors available here.

I made some amazing Potato Pies and Potato Bonda with these amazing small and cute potatoes from Tasteful Selections.
There are umpteen number of options and recipes to create with these cute potatoes! Go check out your grocery store to grab a packet of these beauties for your thanksgiving dinner!

The people from Tasteful Selections have agreed to send some of their exciting products to a lucky reader of Dil Se.. If you would like to win your will have to:
Leave a comment saying what is your favorite potato dish.
Additional entries:

Optional : Follow Dil Se.. publicly in your reader or subscibe by email.
Optional : Follow Dil Se.. in Facebook.
Please leave a seperate comment for each entry.

I will select the winner using a random generator and will announce the winner on monday.

Until then, enjoy your thanksgiving holidays!

Disclaimer: *Please note that Tasteful Selections sent me these samples for review, but as always my opinions are entirely honest and entirely my opinion.


  1. Coloured potatoes I have heard of them but never cooked with them.I love aloo paratha , my family love them and its a family favourite.
    I alreday follow your blog nad face book.:)

  2. Dum Alu is my fav dish with these cute baby potatoes.

  3. hey divya...nice bondas :)
    and my favorite potato dish is Samosa!

  4. Divya, definitely have been following you the blog and in FB both, so I am in for the giveaway :)

    I love potatoes (though I should not, as I need to lose weight), but my favorite thing to do with potatoes is aloo paratha, hands down. Can be eaten anytime :)

    Those potatoes look damn cute !!!

  5. Potatoes are my all time favs... I love aloo parathas the most out of all potato dishes...

  6. Hi Divya,

    Love the colorful potatoes.Love the yummy aloo bondas.
    I am already a follower of your blog through google connect.
    My favorite dish with potatooes is oven roasted potatoes.

  7. Wow! nice review and your bondas..If My favourite dish is Spicy potato curry but I love anything that has potato in it.

  8. i am ur follower through google friend connect

  9. Ooh the things one can do with such amazing potatoes- probably the most versatile vegetable!

  10. The potatoes look so cute :)

    My fav is Aloo Bondas by my mom and Aloo masala for poori. Yum!

    Happy Thanksgiving !

  11. Hi Divya,

    Been following you for quite a while now!!:):)

    Love lotsa dishes with potatoes...aloo paratha,seet and sour potatoes,aloo tikki,bonda,etc...:)


  12. Hey Divya,

    been following for for a long time now!!:)

    I love aloo parathas,poori masala,bondas,sweet and sour potatoes..allo many more dishes!!:)


  13. I have seen colored potatoes! But never tried it in my cooking:) Tempting bonda.

  14. Looks new to me. I always like French Fries anytime for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

  15. Cute colored potatoes, i would like munch some bonds, my favourite is always spicy potato fries.

  16. Potato Wedges would have to be my favourite. I love the coloured spuds.

  17. hey am ur follower fo a long time all time fav is alu kurma!

  18. My favourite potato dish is Jeera aalo with poori :)

  19. Cute looking colorful potatoes.. I love potatoes in aloo paratha and urulai kilangu poori masala.. :)

  20. Divya ,thannxx a ton for hosting this giveaway!
    I think Good ol mashed potatoes , creamy and nice and french fries are my all time fav!
    U have put up some delicious delites too here!

  21. Hey and im having a giveaway too , so do hop by too:-)

  22. Lovable little colored potatoes, the pies and bonda are excellent ideas. My favorite is the potato roast.

  23. I love those potato bondas. Love the giveaway. Following you on FB :)

  24. Hey Divya thank you for visiting and following. Great blog.


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