Nov 15, 2010

Show Me Your Cookbook!

After my Cookbook Review, I noticed that even though I have a few cookbooks, I have never been cooking with them much. They lie in a corner of my kitchen collecting dust. I usually find it easy to find a certain recipe online or in other blogs. Last weekend, when I was browsing my cookbooks, I realized how each cookbook had a personality and style of cooking which cannot be obtained just from browsing online. The various pictures in the book look really appealing and enticing me to cook! Hence, the theme for this edition of "Show Me Your".. event series.

I have decided that I should try atleast one recipe a week from any of my cookbooks, so that I get to know new recipes, put my cookbooks into good use and also find a reason to blog my creations!

Few guidelines for the event:
For the event, all you have to do is click a picture of your favorite cookbook/cookbooks or your entire cookbook shelf and send it over! In your post you could also list the name of all the cookbooks your proudly own, and also any interesting stories you would like to share regarding your cookbooks.

Please link back your post to this event announcement.

Please include all details in a single post. If you have any archived post featuring your cookbooks, you could very well send them over linking back to this post.

Send me an email to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following details:
Blog Name:
Permalink of your blogpost:

Please send in your entries before December 31, 2010.

Happy Cooking and also do check out my new Food Blog Events Calendar!

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on


  1. Nice theme. Will try to participate. But, I have ever cooked out of a cookbook, so a new thing to start :)

  2. Hi Divya, I really like this theme and I'll try to make something for you. I have a pretty decent collection of cookbooks, but I find I tend to cook from one or two most of the time.

  3. Kudos for hosting so many events successfully .

    I am an absolute failure at events , forget the dates and everything ...:) But i love being a part of it whenever i can ...:)

  4. I love this theme as it is the same story with me. All my cookbooks are collecting dust. :)

    Count my entry in for your event.


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..