Dec 31, 2010

Veggie/Fruit of the month : Potato

This event was started by Priya and is all about veggies and fruits. Every month a veggie or fruit will be features and you could share your delicious recipes made out of the star ingredient. Thanks Priya, for the opportunity to host this lovely event. The star vegetable chosen for this month is Potato.
Who does not like potato right? We have countless recipes using the humble potatoes and countless varieties of potatoes - Baby Potatoes, fingerling Potatoes, Red potatoes. Purple Potatoes and the list goes on.. The potato is a versatile vegetable that is available in almost every country and all through the year.

Here are some guidelines for the event..

Cook any dish featuring POTATO. It could be a breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner. It could be any course of the meal. But the main ingredient has to be potato. It can be cooked in any way or it can even be in raw form.

The recipe has to be vegetarian. Eggs are allowed.

You HAVE to make new recipes for this event. Archived posts are not allowed.

Please send in your entries by January 31st, 2011 to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following details.

Recipe URL:
Picture attached:

Please link you blog post to the original event post along with this event announcement page.

Link your post to the original event post along with a link to this announcement page.

Feel free to use the logo.

Non bloggers can also email me your entry with a picture of the dish.

Happy cooking and have a great New Year!!

picture source:


  1. happy hosting and happy new year to you and family

  2. An entry from a potatoholic will be send soon, Divya :) Happy 2011 to you!

  3. hmmmmmmmmmmm, thats a nice choice. I am sure everyone will have many options to try out with. Happy hosting. will send my entry!!!!!!!!!!1
    WISh you a very happy new year

  4. Wishing you and family a happy and prosperous new year.Happy hosting,will send my entries soon..

  5. Thanks Divya for hosting this for this month. I will surely try to do some new recipes as I have few bookmarked from other people and few others.

  6. Will try my best to participate .. btw i have posted for your cookbook event .. couldn't mail you till now... :( will do so

  7. Happy New Year to you and Ur family! Potato is a nice choice!

  8. very happy new year and happy Hosting :)

  9. happy hosting dear.... i love potatoes.... send u my entries soonnnnn....

    Event: Dish Name Starts with E


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..