Mar 7, 2011

Quinoa Salad

This salad is made using Quinoa. I have always been skeptical to try new ingredients. However, reading about the health benefits of quinoa, I wanted to include it in our meals, and this is what I made. I picked up a pack of quinoa from Trader Joes and it has been lying around for a while. I knew I had a to make a salad with it for the blogging marathon. This salad was delicious and so easy to put together.

I have used ingredients I had in my pantry. They can be substituted easily since this is a fool-proof recipe.

Ingredients (makes 1 serving)
Quinoa - 1/2 cup
Cherry tomaotes
Slivered Almonds
Dried cranberries or cherries or raisins
Fresh parsley for garnish

For the dressing
Olive oil - 2 spoons
Lemon juice - 1 spoon
Salt to taste

Cook the quinoa with two times water or according to package directions.

This is the general procedure to cook quinoa - Combine the required quantity of quinoa with two times water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Simmer, cover and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes until all the water has been absorbed. Fluff with a fork and allow it to cool.

Meanwhile prepare a dressing with the lemon juice, olive oil and salt by whisking them together.

Drizzle the dressing over the cooked quinoa and mix until well combined.

In a salad plate, transfer the quinoa and top with the dried fruits, nuts and fresh herbs of your choice.

Check out the bloggers doing the Blogging Marathon, along with me..
30 Minutes Meals:Priya Mahadavan, Pavani,
Seven Days of Salad: lla
For Ongoing 7 Events: Priya Suresh, Suma Gandlur,Harini,
Kids Friendly: Vatsala, Jay,Kamalika
Seven Days of Rice: Veena,PriyaVaasu,Padma Rekha


  1. I have never used Quinoa before......sounds like a healthy cooking option.

  2. Beautiful and colorful salad.. real yum :)

  3. looks tempting...I am a new fan of Quinoa...

    Smitha's Spicy Flavors

  4. looks like you are planning to become a salad queen :)

  5. A beautiful plate of Salad that includes cherry all time favorite!!!

  6. Thats a beautiful and healthy salad, i can have anything with quinoa..

  7. Honestly I hadnt heard about it till now. It is getting popular as an alternative to rice.I dont know what it is called in India.

  8. Looks very colourful many different ones to try now!

  9. delicious salad :) perfect clicks :)

  10. I love quinoa for it's mild bitter taste and the great texture and of course for its nutrition benefits. Your salad looks delicious. Will try soon.

  11. Your salads are so interesting... I believe we can make nxn combinations with these...

  12. looks very healthy but we not get it here in chennai:-(

  13. Thats a beautiful and healthy salad....

  14. Never tried quinoa but salad looks colorfyll Divya

  15. I have tried Quinoa once and want to again, I guess a salad is the best way to go about it. love this :)

  16. i love quinoa! i cooked a quinoa recipe recently. will post it soon.

    btw i am in luv with ur blog!


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