Jun 24, 2011

10 Minute Banana Bread

I bake banana breads often, atleast once a month. I make sure we have a few ripe bananas left just to make this banana bread. i have experimented different banana bread recipes, but this one has been a recent favorite and a regular at my kitchen these days. It is so simple and takes about 10 minutes from the start till it gets into the oven.

Picnics are all about food and snacking. A fresh loaf of this banana bread makes a great picnic snack. it can be stored easily and sliced just before enjoying. Also makes a great quick and filling breakfast/snack with some coffee or tea. This is my second post for the blogging marathon!

Ingredients (Yields 1 full sized loaf or 2 small loaves)
Recipe Source: www.thefreshloaf.com

Bowl 1
Butter - 1/2 stick or 5 tablespoons
Eggs - 2
Ripe bananas - 2 or 3
Sugar - 2/3 cups

Bowl 2
Maida/All purpose flour - 11/3 cup
Salt - 3/4 teaspoon
Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
Baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon (optional)

Walnuts - 1/2 cup (optional)

Preheat oven to 350F.

In a bowl combine all ingredients listed under 'Bowl 1' and using a potato masher, or a fork or a spoon mash the bananas well. The banana should be mashed well, but a few chunks here and there should be fine.

In another bowl, combine all the dry ingredients listed under 'Bowl 2.'

Then, combine the wet and dry ingredients together and stir in the chopped walnuts.

Pour the prepared batter into a greased loaf pan and bake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

It take 40 minutes for small sized loaf pans and 50 minutes for large loaf pans approximately, depending on ovens.

Remove from the oven and allow the loaves to cool for about 10 minutes before removing it from the pan and slicing the bread.

Serve warm or cold. This bread also freezes well when wrapped in foil and stored in a ziploc bag.


  1. wow very clear explanations ..n its so yumm

  2. That's quite easy to put together. Looks delicious.

  3. Banana bread looks absolutely stunning,prefect and satisfying..

  4. banana anything & i'm in love ! its my fav fruit :) ive never had banana bread....but ive eaten banana cake :D thanks fr this recipe divya !


  5. Sure it will be a favourite recipe. I love banana bread too.
    Show and Tell
    Event - LGSS_Paneer

  6. I love banana breads! this is no exception! Looks yummy!

  7. What!!! fresh banana bread with only 10 minutes prep time.. I'm so going to try this out. Bread looks moist and yumm.

  8. Good one..nice to be paired with you for this BM. Browsing through the various options and deciding which one to make is getting too confusing..there are so many which I love in your space!!

  9. Nice one, i also just starting baking.., bookmarked this one for breads.

  10. wow..cake looks fantastic! Simple and yummy recipe!

  11. The combination of bananas and cinnamon in bread is absolutely yum. Btw, why is it called 10 minute bread when it takes 40-50 minutes to bake?

  12. Nice bread.. and 10 minutes sounds doable...

  13. @ Jayashree, It is called so, because the preparation time is just 10 minutes :)

  14. Good one. I was surprised thinking that it would be done under 10 minutes. :))

  15. Such an easy peasy bread recipe!!!! Love it...!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  16. love this...but tell me how do i make this eggless?

  17. Oh,that's easy breezy..Will try.The result looks tempting.

  18. Easy and perfectly done bread... Gonna leave my bananas to ripe Divs!!!

  19. What a perfect solution to my perennial problem of "Who will eat the overripe, black skinned banana?"
    And best part is it's such a simple recipe !! Thanks....

  20. Wow! Fantastic & delicious banana bread. looks wonderful!

  21. wow ! Looks perfect ! I love banana when added to baked ingredients.. I make this too, in an eggless version :)

    Event: One Pot Meals

  22. wow Divya, that looks superb, love the color and everything. Even I baked banana chocolate bread this weekend and blogged about it :)

  23. Lovely bread..I made one eggless and as muffins..:)

  24. Banana bread looks perfect. Banana bread is always a good way to finish those extra ripe bananas which are lying in fruit basket because of wholesale buying.

  25. I've never baked banana bread... Guess this recipe will get me started. It looks great!

  26. very yummy and quick recipe ...will try this

  27. Banana bread looks perfect! I love it

  28. Cake in 10min dying to try thissss...

  29. Thats a really yummy looking banana bread. Love it!!

  30. i had already tasted the same done by my daughter. its cho sweet

  31. I already tasted the same made by my daughter during my visit to LA . Its so sweet

  32. I LOVE banana bread. I often bake vegan banana nut bread, following vaishali's recipe in her blog- holy cow.

    Thanks for sharing so many vegan recipes, good for our health and the environment...


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..