Jun 26, 2011

Kale Chips!

Are you someone who hates kale? Then you should definitely try these crispy, crunchy, delicious kale chips! I have been seeing these kale chips a lot around the blogosphere and I had to try it. Kale is a chock full of Vitamin A, C, calcium and iron. I grabbed a bunch of kale from my farmers market to make this chips and some salad. But I have been staying away from kale salads, fearing it might have some strong taste. But when I made these chips, I knew I am going to make these very often! They are so addictive like potato chips!

The recipe is so simple. I kept it simple by adding olive oil, salt and apple cider vinegar. The vinegar gave some tanginess to the chips. The chips also taste great with just olive oil and salt. You could also make several other variations - pepper, rice vinegar, balsamic vinegar, canola/vegetable oil, nutritional yeast, flax seed meal, garlic salt, italian seasoning etc.

Kale - 1 bunch
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Wash the kale and dry them well with paper towels. The leaves should be dried completely. If wet, the kale would just be steamed instead of turning into chips.

Tear the kale leaves into bite sized pieces leaving the thick vein or inner stalk.

In a bowl add the kale and drizzle some olive oil, vinegar and salt to taste. Using both your hands, massage the kale well, so that the seasonings blend well with the kale leaves.

Preheat oven to 350 F.
In a baking tray, line with parchment paper or spray with some non-stick cooking spray and line the kale leaves in a single layer. Do not over crowd the pan as it might result in steamed kale and the chips might not turn crispy.

Bakein the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes depending on the oven. Keep checking after 10 minutes to see if the chips have become crunchy and crispy. Mine took around 12 minutes to turn crispy.

Enjoy! Store in an airtight container.

This is my entry for the Blogging Marathon with the theme Picnic Food. This would be a great healthy snack to munch on during picnics. Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#6
Also sending this to Quick and Easy Recipe Mela.


  1. I read about this long time back, but haven't got to making it. May be I should soon. Looks so yummy and healthy too.

    Event: Dish it Out - Spinach and Garlic
    Event: Healthy Lunchbox Ideas - Broccoli

  2. Wow! Never heard of these chips. As you said, I too stay away from these healthy greens for the same said reason!

  3. Oh,that's a nice idea of converting kale to chips..With simple ingredients,hope it has done magic for the kales..

  4. They looks super crispy and absolutely wonderful, guilt free chips..

  5. Those chips sounds yumm...looks gr8..healthy chips

  6. Chips with Kale is a nice idea.Wish I could get kale here.

  7. I saw this chips in another blog sometime back..It has come crisp. Like PJ, me too wish I got them here.

  8. This sounds so easy. I have no idea what kale tastes like, but you make it sound tempting.

  9. they look super crispy.. wow healthy chips..

  10. Divya, you are right about being addictive.. I made these once and boy, they are gone in no time.. I used only salt and olive oil. I had some leftover kale and made kale daal, which was very nice too.

  11. I have heard so much about kale chips, but haven't tried them myself. Will definitely make them following your recipe. Chips look crisp, healthy and delicious.

  12. How interesting ...looks so yum n indeed healthy ...

  13. My fav way to eat kale n these are so addictive :)
    US Masala

  14. I haven't tried Kale yet, so would love to give this a try.

  15. Kale chips- Nice way to munch your greens.

  16. hey divya,

    I have not tried the Kale chips till now.. I always make "kale uperry " as "cheera upperry"
    and my family members are a gr8fan of kale including my 18 months little one...



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