Jun 22, 2011

Show Me Your Dosa!

After a little break from the Show Me Your.. series, I am here with another theme. It is going to be dosas this time. Dosa is a staple breakfast in South India. You can never find any home without a grinder to make dosa batter. Even people moving abroad, never forget to pack a grinder along with their luggage. It is that famous!!

Dosa is a fermented crepe made with rice and black lentils. The dosa is rich in carbohydrates, contains no salt, sugar or saturated fats and its constituent ingredients of rice and lentils mean that it is gluten-free and contains protein. The fermentation process increases the vitamin B and vitamin C content. There are various ways of transliterating dosa: dose, dhosha, dosay, dosai, dhosai, tosai, thosai, or dvashi. There are several different kinds of dosas made with different grains and legumes. Dosa can also be made healthy with brown rice and beans.

Here are some guidelines for the event:
Blog about your favorite dosa and email me the following details to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com on or before July 31, 2011:
Recipe name:
Recipe URL:
Attach a picture of your final dish:
Feel free to use the logo.
Link your blog post to this event announcement.

Archived entries are allowed. But please link back to this announcement.
Non-bloggers can email your recipe and picture to the above email address.

Looking forward to all your delicious dosa entries!


  1. That is a great theme dear, will surely try to participate as I am trying to learn to make dosas these days (from scratch I mean) :)

  2. Wow what perfect timing ! I just posted a dosa recipe on my site and here is your event announcement for it :-) I will definitely send in my entry soon. Happy hosting !

  3. Wonderful theme ... happy hosting..

  4. nice,i posted masala dosa recipe last week,will mail it to you

  5. You are hosting a lovely event dear!
    If you wish to see your event announcement in FOOD BLOG NEWS plz mail me / leave a comment.

    Food Blog News
    Event-Healthy Snacks

  6. Hello, I have sent you an entry


    Lovely event. I love dosas anytime of the day.


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..