Aug 28, 2011

Monthly Mingle - Scintillating Salads

This is a Monthly Mingle and I invite you all to take part in this mingle by sending in your salad entries. Yes! The theme for this mingle is Scintillating Salads!

Salads are versatile and makes a great start to any meal - incorporating all the goodness and freshness from the freshest ingredients available on the planet. Salads can be served as any part of the meal - appetizer salads, side salads, main course salads, dessert salads etc.

Salad is any of a wide variety of dishes including vegetable salads; salads of legumes, grains, pasta; mixed salads incorporating meat, poultry, seafood; and fruit salads. Green salads include leaf lettuce and leafy vegetables with a sauce and dressing. Other salads are based on pasta, noodles or gelatin. Most salads are traditionally served cold, although some, such as south German potato salad, are served warm.

With umpteen number of options and varieties of salads available, adorn your thinking hats and blog about your favorite salad and send it to the mingle this month!

Here are a few guidelines for the event:
  1. Create a dish that fits the "Scintillating Salads" theme.
  2. Post about it in your blog from now until September 30, 2011 (entries must be in English)
  3. Your creation should be prepared for the current Monthly Mingle theme and shared with a maximum of 2 other blog events.
  4. Please provide a link to this post and the official Monthly Mingle page.
  5. Once you have posted the dish, please send the following details to divyablogs[AT] on or before September 30, 2011.
Now, go start tossing your favorite salads!! Here are some salad ideas!


  1. So glad to have you hotsing this session of Monthly Mingle. Looking forward to seeing the great creations!

  2. Will send in some entries dear... Happy hosting

  3. very nice event on salads...will surely send in some entries....

    Chk out my Diwali Event:

    and On Going Event - Strawberry Desserts

  4. Happy Hosting!!

    I love this theme on salads. Can't wait to see everyone's colorful entries :D

  5. Lovely event.. made something just today.. would try to post soon...Krithi's Kitchen

  6. Good day!
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  7. Healthy event to look forward to. Good luck.

  8. vl post my entry very soon :) hey do check my first event

  9. Wow.. cool event. Will try and send some good recipes :D

  10. Blessings and congrats...
    Salads are very versatile, there are no limits or bounds, if you can eat it you can lay it on there.

    Take care and stay blessed.


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..