Jun 24, 2009

Paasi paruppu Payasam/ Moong dal payasam

This is one kinda payasam prepared usually during festivals. I made this for the first time on our anniversary. It is a variation from the normal payasams and other desserts. It tastes great both hot and cold. This payasam was featured in our hostel menu every Saturday. Makes me nostalgic!! Now moving on to the recipe.


Moong dal / Paasi paruppu - 1 cup

Jaggery (Powdered) - 1 cup

Milk - 1/2 cup

Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoon

Cashews - 8 to 10

Raisins - few

Ghee - 2 teaspoons

Coconut grated - 1 tablespoon (optional)


Fry the cashews and raisins in the ghee until the cashews turn golden brown and the raisins plump up. Set them aside.

In the same pan, add a little more ghee and fry the moong dal until it turns slight brown. Take care it does not burn. You can even dry roast the dal without the ghee. 

In a heavy bottomed vessel, melt the jaggery . Add little water if necessary. Once it comes to a boil, remove the scum formed on top.

In a pressure cooker or a heavy bottomed vessel, add the dal, milk and water if needed and cook for about three whistles. Once done, mash the dal well. You can mash it into a smooth paste or if you like some of it to bite into, mash slightly. Add the melted jaggery to it and stir. Simmer for about two minutes, until everything combines together. Add a little milk if you want a thinner consistency.

Finnaly garnish with the fried cashews and raisins. You can also add a tablespoon of grated coconut while garnishing.

Serve warm or cold. 

Sending this to MLLA :12th helping hosted by Annarasa and started by Susan


  1. I love this payasam...this was served at our college mess almost daily...nice picture :)

  2. I love this too:) Your post reminds me that I haven't had it for sometime now!

  3. I absolutely love this payasam....m just crazy about it....I can have a bucktful of this one....lol... Everytime i wud ask my mom to prepare this for me. Last time i went to visit her in Dubai, I asked her to make this for me to have it as soon as i reach there...imagine....makes me nostalgic too....

  4. I never made it though,since my mom has all approximate measures...thax for the recipe...will surely try it out...

  5. wow..looks very delicious.. can i have some?

  6. YUmmmmyyy! one of my fav dessert with lentils. Looks so tempting and a great picture.

  7. hmm yummy payasam...heard abt this but never tasted....
    BTW Belated Anniversary Wishes Divya

  8. I love this so much so healthy and fat free payasam na...

  9. I have had this only in Sadya's..looks really nice dear..:)

  10. Delicious payasam,love all the flavors in it:)

  11. Looks gorgeous and fairly healthy, too. Nice one! :)

  12. Love this payasam. It is one of the few payasams that is tasty and healthy, i make this quite often. Yours look very tasty, nice click.

  13. I posted this recipe sometime back. Love this Payasam. Looks delicious.

  14. One of my fav payasam... looks delicious :)

  15. lovely yummy paysam dear..belated anniversary wishes.......

  16. One of our favourite payasams..the moment I give a choice to hubby asking him to choose which payasam to make,he says moong dal;).Every birthday,every anniversary,this one gets made for sure.Looks yummy;).

    I love the addition of milk.My recipe calls for coconut milk.

  17. Its my and my FIL's favourite. Its long since I made it.

  18. I prefer moongdal payasam more than paal payasam, eventhough both are my favourites, looks fabulous Divya!

  19. This looks rich and delicious.........

  20. delicious looks yummmmy and a perfect sweet.

  21. This is a great payasam..We make this when we are fasting.A super delicious one!

  22. Parippu n ada payasam are my favorites...gosh I'm drooling, thats so tempting.

  23. Happy Wedding Anniversary! Lovely payasam. Never had one with moong dal but bet it must have tasted heavenly!

  24. Payasam looks delecious and creamy...Happy anniversary..

  25. Oh yes-this definitely reminds me of the festival days!!

  26. looks yumm..nice tempting picture..
    Btw, i send an entry for your event...hope you received it..isn't it suitable for the event?

  27. Divya,could you plz tell me the name of that heavanly hostel where they served payasam weekly ? Oh My God,I would have gone there..till date from my experience,i couldnt even dream of such a thing in life divya..
    I love this payasam too..tempting hooo

  28. Wow! i was looking for this recipe everywhere ..My husbands fav payasam ,..Thanks a bunch for sharing with Us ! :)will try this weekend :D

  29. Looks delicious,my mom used to make this,i love this :)

  30. Thanks to you, i am making it today for Vishu! Waiting to have it now :)


  31. I just made this recipe of yours today and it came out awesome

  32. Thanks for trying and letting me know Karunya.


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..