Jun 28, 2009

Zucchini Kootu

I found Zucchini on sale last week and got a couple of them. I have only had zucchini in soups and pastas. I thought why not make and Indianized version of Zucchini. Thus was born this Zucchini Kootu. I made it the usual way I make other kootus.I should say, it was out of the world! I am definitely going to make this soon again. We had it with simple dal and rice. it made a great combo. I suggest everyone to try this if you like kootus.

Zucchini is a summer vegetable which is low in calories, cholestrol free and rich in folates, potassium and vitamin A with lesser amounts of the B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper. 


Zucchini - 2 medium sized ones
Toor dal or Split Moong dal - 1 cup
Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
Green chillies - 3
Grated coconut - 2 tablespoons
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon
Cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon
Urad dhal - 1 teaspoon
Oil - 1 spoon
Salt to taste


Wash and chop the zucchinis roughly. In a pressure cooker, add the chopped zucchini, turmeric powder, dal, salt and a little water and pressure cook for about one whistle. You can even cook the zucchini in a wide bottomed vessel instead of the pressure cooker. I pressure cooked it to save time and energy.

Grind the coconut, cumin seeds and green chillies into a coarse paste. Add this to the cooked zucchini.

In a pan, do the seasoning with the oil, mustard seeds and urad dhall. Add the zucchini pixture and saute for about two minutes, until everything is combined. Adjust salt.

Serve with rice.

Other kootu recipes

Keerai kootu

Chayote /Chow-chow kootu

Ridgegourd /Peerkangai kootu

You must have noticed a change in the layout of my blog. It was designed by my lovely sis! Thanks Sugirtha!!


  1. Nice photo Dhivya...Even I used to make kootu and sambar with zucchini...I have to try your version soon :)

  2. I love zucchinis and I've also used it only in pastas and salads...this would be a wonderful change.

  3. Another zucchini lover here Divya..Your kootu looks mouthwatering indeed..the indianised version..lovely

  4. Never tried cooking anything with Zucchini, would love to try your kootu recipe! BTW, your new template looks lovely!

  5. Good idea of using the Zucchini. Hey, I liked your new template, looks good.

  6. Saw abt this kootu in so many blogs,but never made it..looks perfect with rice

  7. Delicious kootu divya, love ur new template..looks beautiful!

  8. Thats a healthy and inviting looking curry... I too have try it in Indian style with moong only...will post it soon

  9. Zucchini is one of my fav veggies, kootu sounds delicious and healthy!

  10. I like juicy zucchini..easy recipe with Zucchini,i usually make salad or curry with it..

  11. nice recipe divya... i was reading your directions and was wondering if you pressure cooked dal along with the zucchini or separately?

  12. Yumm, I too love to make this kootu:) great combo for roti :) Pic looks so yum!

  13. This looks like a really delicious dish! I'm always looking for something fun to do with zucchini.

  14. i like the new look of your blog! very nice!!
    im not too much of a fan of zuccini..i think its a bland, tasteless veggie!! you have to jazz it up with other flavours.. i think ur kootu manages to do that!:D

  15. Healthy kootu Divya! Hey ur new theme looks pretty cool!!!

  16. This looks delicious Divya! And very healthy dish. Loved the new look of your blog :)

  17. I've made this the same way before, too. It tastes awesome!! Nice one, Divya! :)

  18. Great idea-I've made zucchini sambar and zucchini+eggwhite omelets!! The lovely thing about zucchini is that it just blends in with the rest of the ingredients :)

  19. you are so creative, Divya! beautiful pictures!

  20. new look huh..looks nice girlie..liked it..n the koottu is so good..nice twist to Zuccini..surprisingly I havent ever tried this veggie..:D:D

  21. Divya,

    Thanks for the recipe. I'll be harvesting my zuchinni's soon so this is perfect!


  22. hey nice template.. looks very good.

    kootu looks healthy and delicious.

  23. Kootu and hot rice are perfect combo..looks good Divya

  24. Great idea of maing zucchini kootu looks so delicious Divya.

  25. Zucchini kootu looks yum and inviting ! I regularly use zucchini in a lot of south indian dishes like zucchini thogayal and kootus it works really well ....loved the new look on your site!


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