Jul 1, 2009

Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cake

I cannot believe half the year is already over!! And yeah, it is the beginning of a new month and time for Sweet and Simple Bakes! The choice for the month is Chocolate orange Drizzle Loaf Cake.
One evening, I was craving cake and was looking for simple and refreshing cake recipes. I stumbled upon this recipe but I did not have oranges at hand. In our new apartment we have an orange tree, but we have never tried those oranges. So I just ran outside a grabbed a few oranges and immediately set to try this delicious cake. I had some dark chocolate and I thought it would be too overpowering to do the entire frosting with it. So I just melted the chocolate and drizzled it over the cake. the cake was moist due to the addition of orange juice and it had a hint of citrus flavor in every bite!

For The cake
175g (6 oz) softened butter
175g (6 oz) caster (super fine) sugar - I used  ordinary sugar
3 large eggs, at room temperature
Finely grated zest of 2 oranges
175g (6 oz) self-raising flour, sifted
2 tbsp milk
For The Orange Syrup
Juice of 1 orange
100g (4 oz) granulated sugar

For The Topping
Dark chocolate / milk chocolate
Sprinkles of choice (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degree F.
Line and grease a900g (2 lb) loaf tin.
In a mixing bowl, add the butter and sugar and beat together until light and fluffy in appearance. Add the eggs, one at a time, and beat well until fully incorporated. Add the orange zest, flour and milk and fold in gently with a spatula or large metal spoon. Turn into the prepared tin, smooth the top of the mixture and bake in the oven on middle shelf 35 -45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin. When cool make little holes in the cake with a skewer, (this is important for pouring the syrup onto the cake to ensure the syrup soaks in fully.)

For The Orange Syrup

Put the orange juice and granulated sugar into a pan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and boil for a couple of minutes. Pour over the top of the cake. When all the juice has soaked in, carefully remove the cake from the tin.
I melted 2 blocks the dark chocolate in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Drizzle it directly over the cooled cake. leave the cake for a while for the chocolate to set.

Slice and enjoy!
Check out my other cake recipes..
Spongecake with cream cheese frosting
Fruit Cake
Spiced Mango Bread
Vanilla Apple Cake
Orange cake with cream cheese frosting


  1. WOw divya the cake is looking gorgeous and moist wish to have that plate dear... i think this is new layout..looks so good...i am coming to ur place hope u have cake with u now

  2. Chocolate & orange is one of my fav combinations...It just taste awesome..& the loaf has come out very well..nice pic

  3. Thats an absolutely decadent cake Dhivya...I saw a similar cake in Priya blog too this morning :)

  4. lovely cake Divya..juice in thru the holes with choc on top..woah..divineeee..:)

  5. I enjoyed baking this delicious cake Divya..Urs looks marvellous!

  6. wow! i am drooling right here ,,.Yummy looking recipe and pics ..awesome

  7. How many challenges u r IN dear??
    A big Clap to ur patience n Interest..
    That cake looks very nice..

  8. That looks really delicious! Loved the moistening with orange syrup :)

  9. ooh..looks professional..!! perfect.moist and delicious.

  10. Looks delicious, Divya. We loved it too!

  11. The cake looks yumm...chocolate n orange are just a classic combination.

  12. blog looks wonderful..and the cake sinfully delicious...

  13. Cake has come out so well, perfect for tea time!

  14. looks perfect and mouthwatering dear......yumyum

  15. Hi Divya, WOW your own oranges gosh I am so envious :0) Your cake looks gorgeous and the drizzle of chocolate on the top looks divine.

    Thank you SO much for taking part in S&SB monthly bake and I do hope you will join us again next month :0)

    Best wishes Rosie x

  16. Nice cake Divya and very well explained . Have a look at mine too.

  17. I must try drizzling the chocolate over it like that next time I bake this too - your cake looks lovely :)

    I cannot begin to tell you how jealous I am at you just being able to wander outside and pick your oranges!

  18. Great job. We really liked this recipe.

  19. Oooh that looks lovely. How lucky are you to have an orange tree outside! I had to have a quick dash to the local supermarket to get mine :)

  20. wow that looks simply superb divya y you people are tempting me like this with orange cake hummmmmm so yummmm.

  21. Lovely cake.......like to taste it... can u send one bite...!!!

  22. Orange and chocolate go very well together, yummy cake

  23. I love chocolate and orange together! The cake looks super moist and yummy. :)

  24. Wow that is surely a great combo

  25. Lovely and tangy with a hint of chocolate. what more can I ask for. Fantastic cake... will try it

  26. The cake looks great. chocolate drizzled on top looks great!!!

  27. Oh, to be able to run outside and grab an orange from the tree....we cannot do that here in TN.

  28. That's one delicious-looking cake, Divya, and you're right-- I can't believe half the year's over either.

  29. i love this combo..your cake is tempting me to make it right now, but alas no oranges or orange trees in the vicinity!!

  30. Looks delicious and this is how I would be having it too, with tea/coffee of course.

  31. Wow.. thats lovely! Blended with wonderful flavours!

  32. great looking cake!the drizzle is sooo arty! i liked it a lot!

  33. Hi Divya

    Your Chocolate Orange Drizzle Loaf Cake looks wonderful!

    Thanks for taking part in Sweet and Simple Bakes and hope you will join us again.


  34. hey Divya ...thanks a lot for stopping by Vazhayila...You have got a brilliant space here!!!!!
    And the cake looks real gorgeous!!!!!
    keep rocking!!!!

  35. hi divya...this cake looks very yummy...u have a wonderful blog with many delicious recipes and thanks a lot for visiting mine....have a nice day

  36. I want to take the first pic and have it now and the second pic I want to take to the next party I am going to :)

  37. Lovely Cake Divya. Looks moist and yum:).

  38. Hi diya, the cake looks lovely and yumyum!. And thank u for visiting my blog

  39. This piece of bread is great I used to prepare when my grandparents come to my house they enjoy it a lot.


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..