Jul 13, 2009

Show Me Your Sandwich!

After the edition of Show Me your Breakfast! , I am here with another interesting event. Thanks to everyone who made "Show Me Your Breakfast" a huge success. Will be back soon with the roundup and also a small surprise!! 

Sandwiches in all forms are comfortable, adaptable and practical! They can be dressed up with the finest toppings ranging from vegetables, cheese etc to the simple butter and jam. And they are all exotic in their own ways. A well-designed sandwich can contain all the required food groups. It can be packed with all nutrients and can make a complete meal by itself. There are umpteen number of possiblilties to make a sandwich. So put on your thinking caps and come out with your signature sandwiches!!

Coming to the rules!

Make your own signature sandwich! It can be made with anything edible! It can me made of any type of bread. Flatbreads like pita, tortillas, chapthis can also be used. The filling can be anything hot or sweet, vegetables, meat and anything you can think of!!

Blog about your sandwich anytime between now and August 10th. Older posts are not accepted.

Please link back to this announcement and feel free to use the logo.  UPDATE:You can send in any number of entries!! Last date for sending in your entries is August 10th.

Please mail me your entries to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following details

Subject : Show Me Your Sandwich


Recipe name:

URL of post:

Picture attached (any size)

Looking forward to all your sandwiches!!


  1. Lovely concept. Will try to send in a entry.

  2. lovely idea... i need some good ones for my daughter's lunch box too.. so will be watching the round up too...

  3. Healthy concept..cheers !!

  4. Lovely concept dear...but restricted to only 3 entries..uppph...will send in something definitely

  5. Divya....wonderful concept.. :) count on my entry.. :)

  6. That's a good idea. Will try and make something interesting!

  7. good one..will be going on a break..will try to send if possible..

  8. Great concept...will surely try to send something.

  9. oh wow Divya great theme will sure send some.

  10. sounds good to me!will send my entry soon.

  11. great concept. I love sandwich.... waiting for some nice sandwiches in the round up.

  12. Great theme! Happy hosting! Will send in something :)

  13. oooh! sounds like a fun contest. only, as always, when i try to think of something bound by rules, i come up with zilch. lol. will check your website for ideas anyway!--raj @ the hungry cook.

  14. wow! great theme ..will try this time to send something ...happy hosting !

  15. Hey divu..hws u..bak with a new event huh..good one..:)

  16. Love sandwiches. Sure will send my entry. Happy hosting.

  17. Missed ur earlier event. Will surely try to send something for this event.

  18. Great Idea, will send in my sandwich soon.

  19. nice idea....will contribute something

  20. hi divya, will definitely send in my entry .... looking forward for the round up too

  21. Hi Divya,

    This is nice idea. I will send you my entry.
    Happy hosting !

  22. hey div....where do i subscribe for ur updates?

  23. Hi Divya,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Two of my posts are on way for your event. One is a current post, the other an archived one. I have updated both posts with your event link. If still you don't want to include it, that's fine.

  24. hiee .. me a newbie in blogs!! but will send ya entry for sure :)


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..