Sep 22, 2009

Whole Wheat Banana Bread

Hi All,
Am back after a small unannounced break! My inlaws were here for sometime and I was a little busy. We traveled a lot and ate out and very little cooking at home. Still relaxing to get back to normal. And my fall semester starts tomorrow and hoping to get back to the routine soon. And will also get back to blog-hopping as usual! Though we had loads of delicious food, I did not have the chance to click all of them. So here is one of my recipes from my draft.

Banana bread is one of our favorites. I make it often and we have it for breakfast and also along with tea in the evening. I wanted to make a healthier version and so I planned to go eggless by adding flax seeds and replacing the white flour with whole wheat flour. It came out a little denser than the white flour one but it tasted equally good and was guilt-free. So am looking forward to bake more of these healthier versions of bread.


Whole wheat flour - 2 cups
Milk - 1/2 cup
Buttermilk - 1/2 cup
Butter - 1/2 cup melted
Bananas - 2 large riped ones
Vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon (optional)
Flax seed powder - 1/4 cup
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
Almonds / walnuts / pecans - 1 handful (can be replaced with any nuts)
Chocolate chips - 1/2 cup (optional)


Preheat oven to 350F.
Peel and mash the ripe bananas well.
In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour, flax seeds, baking soda and baking powder. In another bowl, mix together all the liquid ingredients. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix slowly until well incorporated. Finally add the mashed banana and combine everything together. Stir in the nuts and chocolate chips if using.
Grease and flour a loaf pan or cake pan . Add the prepared mixture slowly to the pan.
Transfer to the center rack of the oven and bake for about 35 to 40 minutes. Insert a toothpick or fork and check if it is done. Allow to cool for about 10 minutes and transfer to a wire rack.
Once cooled completely slice it up.
Serve with butter!


  1. Guess u had a quality time with ur in laws :) Guilt free breakfast,Div!

  2. Hi the bread looks warm and inviting will try it.

  3. Wow.. this bread is looking great. Lovely photos! Do try to participate in my FIL-Ghee sweets event @

  4. A healthy breakfast with the bread! Nice! I also liked the replacements making the bread nutritious! Looks delish and palatable!

  5. Hope you had a great time!The bread looks super delish!

  6. Perfect and nice cake your idea of adding ground flaxseeds :)

  7. Healthy Bread Divya, I got Flaxseed, but iam little afraid to use it.

  8. Wondered where you where!Thats a yummy bread and sounds healthy too!

  9. Time I get down to serious baking!
    Looks like you had a gr8 trip.
    Saw the pics

  10. Hey you are back ! Bread looks cool and its very healthy too !

  11. delicious breakfast recipe..looks yumm..

  12. Glad to see you back Divya..bread looks great and soft..

  13. I love banana bread and this looks yummy yumm.

  14. I love banana bread very much!! Looks yummy!

  15. Hey Divya..
    Hope u had a wonderful time..
    bread looks simply yummy!!!

  16. Hi nice to see u back. check out my giveaway..

  17. surprise awaiting for you at

  18. i love banana bread myself. Looks tempeting. Perfect with a cup of tea.

  19. Welcome back Divya. Home made bread with wheat and banana..hmm.. I m hungry now:) Glad that you had a nice time with inlaws.

  20. Glad to see you're back, you were missed. Your banana bread sounds amazing.

  21. Eggless and healthy too. Looks delicious!

  22. LOVELY banana bread .. nice to know that yu had a great time

  23. i like how you put flax in the bread. can you taste the flax? im guessing not? welcome back!

  24. Goes well with Tea.yummy.Do visit my blog when u find time.

  25. I love baking cakes with flax seed...the seeds make the cake more delicious!

  26. Welcome back dear...nice bread recipe.......

  27. Replacing the white flour with whole wheat is so great-I admit it tastes a little different initially,but it's just for a short time. BTW,a friend of mine uses canola oil instead of butter and it turns out great(and is 'heart-friendly' too)!!

  28. woww...i was looking for a banana wheat bread recipe for 2months...this looks awesome..perfect in color also....surly i will try.. :)

  29. what can I replace baking soda with


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..