Sep 4, 2009

Spicy chicken burgers

Having tried bean burgers and veggie burgers at home, I have always been skeptical about trying chicken burgers. I happened to have minced chicken at home and googled for some burger recipes. I found umpteen number of recipes and was quiet confused with what to make. Using all the inputs from google I settled upon this recipe of my own, which was indeed really good. We had it for dinner with some homemade baked french fries and some cherry pepsi!


Ground chicken - 1 pound

Instant oats - 2 tablespoons (can be replaced by breadcrumbs)

Egg - 1


Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon

Soy sauce - 2 teaspoons

Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Garlic powder - 1 teaspoon
Freshly ground black pepper- 1 teaspoon
Chilli flakes - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with chilli powder or chilli sauce)
Dried oregano - 1/2 teaspoon (optional-or can be replaced by any herbs)
Sugar - 1 teaspoon


Place all the seasoning in a bowl and mix it well with a fork. Powder the instant oats.

In another bowl, take the minced chicken and add the egg. Beat well so that it is well incorporated with the chicken. Add the seasoning and mix again. Finally add the powdered oats and mix well.

The egg helps in holding all the ingredients together and the oats gives a nice crust to the burger.

Make burger size patties and shape them in your palms.

Heat a shallow pan and drizzle some oil. Once it is heated, 3 to 4 patties at a time. Cook on medium heat for about 4 to 5 minutes. Flip the patties over carefully and allow to cook on the other side for about 4 minutes.

Check if it has cooked through completely.

Serve over burger buns with toppings of your choice.

I made mine with some low-fat mayonnaise, mint chutney, cheese, lettuce, onions and tomatoes. Enjoy!

Also do check out my burger bun recipe!

Sending this to Cook for Yourself event and
Food For 7 stages of life:Kids initially started by Radhika .


  1. Divya, such a tempting burger...just love to have it rite now...

  2. really gud combination with chicken...looks yum yum!

  3. yummy burger dear...tempting one....please do participate in my first cooked food event....

  4. looks delicious with those french fries....

  5. mmhh...Thats best for a lazy evening n a movie..:)

  6. Love the burger especialy if they are spicy.

  7. Pepsi,burger and fries ......cant get any better for dinner.

  8. OOO...that looks yummy! I'll have to try that sometime...

  9. My son would be the happiest kid if I serve ur plate :) Yum!

  10. Delicious burgers Dhivya...adding oats instead of bread crumbs is definitely a healthier option :)

  11. Yummy Burger... would have followed the receipe.. had it been a veggie .

    There is a an award waiting for you in my blog.. Collect it :)

  12. Yummy!! I want to eat that up! Cherry Pepsi? Haven't heard of that yet..guess I am missing out on some cola news :)

  13. Lovely clicks divya..! Do pick ur award from my blog..!

  14. what a coincidence..i too posted a burger :)

  15. Very tempting burger and fries,homemade burger is much flavorful :)

  16. Please accept the awards waiting for you in my blog!!!

  17. Nice one Divya! planning on trying it..what is ground chicken? is it different from minced chicken? do I have to grind the chicken?

  18. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you brought me, in turn, to your beautiful blog! Your chicken burgers sound amazing! I love how you added sesame oil and soy sauce!

  19. It's been a long time since I've eaten a chicken burger. It looks delicious!

  20. The burger really looks delicious! The seasoning sounds very good!

  21. Blessings.....
    Chicken burger is something i do often, I don't use bread crumbs at all. I add my blend of spices including green/red peppers, green onions, garlic and chili peppers.....

    thanks for sharing, have a splendid weekend

  22. lovely dish... Rachel Ray is always dishing these out in 10 min and I love it...

  23. this looks really good!! i am keen on trying out ur french fries..and burger buns..

  24. where r u dear ..long time no updates??

  25. You got awards..awaiting in my pls. Pls do accept it.

  26. Hi Divya,

    Your chicken burgers look yummy. :-)

  27. Plz accept Scrumptious award from my blog.

  28. very tempting burger recipe Divya I wanted to try this one from long time but hummm nice inviting plater.

  29. looks good and inviting..the perfect dinner

  30. wow, these burgers are great. I love the idea of the oats instead of breadcrumbs. I've seen some burger recipes also use sour ceam instead of egg, I wonder how that would turn out?


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..