Oct 7, 2009

Ragi Kozhukattai

Knowing the health benefits of the whole grain ragi, I try to tweak in ragi once in a while in our weekly menu. You can check here for more uses of ragi flour. I make ragi puttu or ragi kozhukattai for snacks in the evening. It can be made with sugar or can be made more healthy when made with jaggery.

Ragi flour - 1 cup
Rice flour - 1/4 cup
Sugar/Jaggery - 1/4 cup
Coconut shredded - 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoon

Roast the rice flour and ragi flour together for about two minutes. Then add the sugar, shredded coconut and cardamom powder and mix well. Add a little water or milk and knead to form a a thick dough. Take some dough about the size of a lemon and clamp it in between your fingers so that the dough stays in shape.
Steam it in a rice cooker or idli cooker for about 12-15 minutes.
Serve warm!
If using jaggery, boil the jaggery in a little water to form a syrup. Strain the liquid and add it to the flours and mix.
Consume immediately, if you have leftovers, steam it again because it tends to harden after a day.

Also do check out my other recipes with ragi:
Ragi puttu/Finger millet cakes
Ragi koozh
Ragi malt with jaggery

Also am very proud that my omapodi/sev recipe has been chosen among the top 9 in the FoodBuzz community today! Do check it out!
Sending this to Cook for Yourself event and
Food For 7 stages of life:Kids initially started by Radhika .


  1. Hi. Very healthy version and congrats dear.

  2. Nice healthy kozukattais Dhivya...congrats dear :)

  3. Such a healthy steam cooked dish, congrats Divya..

  4. Nice click and healthy too. Congrats for foodbuzz dear

  5. Congratulation & Celebration!!! Healthy and Yummy recipes!!!

  6. Congrats girl!!
    The "kozhukattai" with ragi sounds great!!

  7. Congratulations on top 9! Healthy Kozhukattai...

  8. சூப்பர்ப்...

    நானும் இதே மாதிரி செய்வேம்...அரிசி மாவு சேர்க்காமல் செய்தாலும் சுவையாக தான் இருக்கும். நன்றி.

  9. We always have this in our childhood,making shapes of our own :)

  10. congrats for making it to the top 10. this is a very new recipe

  11. New to me ! will try it out.. congrats :)

  12. Thank you so much for introducing me to ragi flour! Huge congratulations on your very well deserved top 9!!!

  13. Congrats Divya.
    Healthy and yummy kozhukattai.

  14. Divya,
    The Ragi snack looks great. I have a pack of Ragi flour at home and Iam going to try this recipe soon. I usually makes Ragi Dosas or add the use teh Ragu flour when I make thalipeeth or Kothimbar vadi to increase the nutitional value. Your recipe will be a nice addition to healthy snacking. Thank you.

  15. Congrats divya,healthy & delicious kozhukattai.

  16. Nice healthy sweet recipe. Looks so good. YUM!. Turned out perfect for u. Nice try....

  17. I have never heard of this but given that it is made with Jaggery, I can only imagine how sinful it must be!!And the best of all it is healthy..

  18. Congrats Divya !
    Am sharing the well deserved “One Lovely Blog Award” with you . Kindly collect it from my blog!!

  19. hello Divyaaa...kozhukkattai superayittundu.. :) never tried with raggi.. :)alwayz unique recipes.. :)

  20. Hi Divya,

    first time coming here.U have a wonderful space.following u..:)

  21. One of my fav recipe divya..quick and healthy :)

  22. I make a porridge from this, everyday. Your way is good too.

  23. Congrats Divya... Wish you more success. Thanks for sending across the entry.


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