Dec 18, 2009

Baked Falafel

This is a healthier version of falafel. I tried baking the falafels in my muffin pan instead of deep deep-frying them. This can make a wholesome meal along with some pita bread and hummus and can be enjoyed without guilt. I got the idea from here

Instead of hummus, I made tzatziki a cucumber-yogurt dip to go long with the falafel. Will post the recipe soon. It was really refreshing and we had a simple and nutritious dinner!


Chickpeas/Garbanzo beans - 1 cup ( to be soaked overnight) or 1 can drained
Onion - 1/2
Fresh Parsley - 1 cup loosely packed
Garlic - 2 cloves
Whole Wheat Flour - 2 tablespoons
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
Cumin powder - 1 tablespoon
Coriander powder - 1/4 tablespoon
Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
Olive oil - 2 spoons
Salt and Pepper to taste


Soak the chickpeas overnight in water. It should double in size. Alternatively, you could use the canned ones. Drain the liquid.
In a blender, add all the ingredients together and blend to form a coarse and chunky mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and cover it with a damp cloth and allow it to rest for half an hour. it would rise a bit.
Take a muffin pan and grease with oive oil or cooking spray.
Take a tablespoonful of the mixture and place in each muffin pan. You can use an icecream scoop for easier shaping. You could also use a cookie/baking sheet instead of the muffin pan alternatively. i used the muffin pan since it gives a good shape to the falafels.
Do not put too much batter in each falafel. Keep it thin so that it turns out crispy.

Bake at 375F in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes, flipping the falafels half way through.
In the final two minutes turn the oven to broiling mode in order to get crispy falafels. Take care they do not burn.

Enjoy with pita n hummus!

Sending this to MLLA: Eighteenth Helping hosted by Srivalli and started by Susan

Other middle eastern recipes in my blog:
Falafel (deep fried version)
Lavash and Falafel Wrap
Cumin Hummus
Piroshki / Pierogi / Potato Pies


  1. hey... this is a nice idea... I too bake patties.. but have never tried baking in a muffin pan... will try this one :)

  2. I've never had much luck with baking felafel because I find the flavor just doesn't turn out anywhere near as wonderful as when they are deep-fried. Yours seem to have turned out really nicely, Divya. A guiltless treat.

  3. They looks super delicious and healthy.. nice evening snack.Nice Pic.

  4. Baking falafel sounds interesting and healthy..yumm!

  5. Very healthy way to eat these tempting dishes.

  6. I never had falafel..lov chick peas,so i am gonna try this,thanx for sharing...nice pic...

  7. The baked one with yog-cucum dip looks very appetizing!

  8. that's a nice idea to bake falafels Divya! Healthy way to eat them. looks so delicious with that yummy dip :)

  9. Looks delicious and tempting...pass me the plate pls I'm hungry now:)

  10. nice idea to bake the falafels! The dip looks fantastic on the side :)

  11. One of the healthiest version of falafel i have seen ! Best starter to serve.

  12. Nice idea...baked falafel sounds delicious nd yummy.

  13. Falafel looks very yummy and crispy. I too love to bake it instead of frying...loved idea of using muffin pan.

  14. Never tasted falafel...The first pic is gorgeous. Healthy and guilt free snack..

  15. I love baked falafels.. they are a guilt-free way to enjoy this delicious greek dish! Your recipe looks wonderful and a nice click as well.

  16. I love falfels good idea of baking it. looks yummy.

  17. This is my kind of dish..yummy and healthy falafel :-)

  18. A soup store here offers this and its totally yummy!

  19. pita, felafel and hummus has been in my todo list for a long time to try. Now I have got a perfect felafel recipe..will try it very soon..

  20. Nice, I love that they are not fried!

  21. Great idea of using a muffin pan for the the dip too...everything looks fabulous :)

  22. Wow, I Love Falafel., Never made them at home though. Great idea to bake them. Looks yummy and inviting.

  23. Baked sounds good, healthy version for sure.

  24. I absolutely love Falafel! I have been meaning to do a baked version for a while! Thanks for reminding me! I am bookmarking this now!

    Thanks you so much!


  25. Hey this is great idea dear.. healthy falafel..looks awesome with dip.

  26. Baking Falafels looks like a neat idea. Will try this one for sure

  27. very healthy way to eat this yummy snack...

  28. It is a great snack and a healthy one too..The dip looks just great!

  29. Yum they look delicious!!

  30. Great idea. Perfect snack & healthier version too.

  31. good to see ur version.. we too had done a baked version of falafel sometime back...

  32. I love falafel..good idea of baking them :)

  33. I love the flavor of falafel, and I would eat more if it were not fried. So I really appreciate you posting this awesome recipe!! cheers!

  34. Baking falafal, what a good idea and healthy too.

  35. I love falafels, can eat them day and night :)

    Happy New Year!


  36. Thanks for the lovely entry divya.falafel looks great!

  37. Hi Divya, The falafel looks so nice...and very healthy as well

  38. You won't believe I have never had falafel in my whole life.. Does this taste something like cutlet.. (Please don't scorn....this is what I could infer from the ingredients) however it is.. I love the golden crispy falafels you have baked... and I am more interested about the dip...will wait for the recipe... and yes I am gonna make falafels soon..

  39. You have a great website that I have been referring to with regards to learning new recipes. Keep it up.
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