Feb 26, 2010

Tried and Tasted - March 2010 Edition

Hello everyone,
I am back with an event announcement for the month of March. This time it is Tried and Tasted event!
Tried and Tasted is an online event started by Zlamushka which features some amazing bloggers each month. Participants try and taste some of the recipes of the featured blogger. This month the featured blogger is Raaga who blogs at The Singing Chef. She has over 500 incredible recipes!!

Raaga describes her blog as "a mixed bag which is a treasure trove of traditional and fusion foods, all with two common ingredients, enthusiasm and love".
I don't think her blog needs much introduction. Her recipes are simple and very easy to make and she even makes exotic dishes sound simple to make. Hop onto her blog to find out more!!

The logo for this event was designed by Ksenia who blogs at Tales of a Spoon.

Going on to some guidelines for the event.
Cook any recipe from "The Singing Chef" and blog about it. Stay as true to the original recipe as possible. If you have already tried and tasted any of her recipes there is no need to repost it again. Simply link back to the original post.

Usage of logo is greatly appreciated!

Please link back to this announcement page and the original recipe page from Raaga's blog. Please always link to both sites, so both blogs are given credit.

Send me an e-mail divyablogs[AT]gmail[COM] with your name, your post URL as well as the original URL and a picture (300px by height, please) by March 31st.

Non-bloggers are more than welcome to participate Simply e-mail me picture and the link to the original recipe.

Another reminder! Do send in your entries for Show Me Your Salad and Sunday Snacks:Healthy Snacks by Feb 28th. Looking forward to your entries.


  1. Great choice of blog Div..I have cooked quite a few recipes from her blog and have even done a post compiling all the dishes.I will definitely try and send you something.

  2. Great choice...I have quite a lot of her recipes bookmarked.

  3. just visited her blog..lovely collection of recipes..will definitely try something..

  4. Hi Divya,
    I was waiting for this event. I will definitely participate in this.

  5. Fantastic choice! I have made Raaga's famous fruit cake and have blogged abt it too, cant wait to try some other recipes from her blog :)

  6. Very great choice Divya...she have a fantastic blog, let me come with some entries soon..

  7. Great blog! Letme navigate through her recipes!

  8. Its really good thing to have such events..let me try some of her recipe and love to participate in this ..

  9. Also, thank you all for your lovely words!

  10. Thanks Divya. You've given me the much needed impetus to resume posting... :)

  11. Just checked out this post, having lot of tech problems in my blog. Love Raaga's blog, great choice. I will make something for you.

  12. hello lady ... nice combo u n raaga... iam so tempted... :| i want to make something... i love her bakes...

  13. Hi Divya, I have posted my Tried & Tasted post. Will send you the mail soon.

  14. Hi Divya, I just posted my Tried and Tasted post. Have sent you an email with details. Thanks for hosting this event and introducing me to Raaga's blog. Cheers!


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..