Mar 1, 2010

Healing Foods Event - Spinach

'Healing Foods Event' aims at focusing one food item, every month by highlighting their health benefits and challenging you to come up with recipes in their most 'healthy form'. It was started by Siri and this month I am guest hosting the event with the theme Spinach. No one can disagree that spinach is an important healing food. It is a storehouse of nutrients and can be cooked in several great ways.

"Spinach belongs to the same family as beets and chard. This broad, leafy vegetable is cooling and is jade green in color. It has the slight bitter taste of its sister, beet greens and the slightly salty flavor of chard.

Spinach has always been known for its fine cleansing, building and nourishing properties for the digestive tract, intestines and colon. When properly prepared, spinach is highly beneficial in correcting many common ailments.

Spinach is one of the most nutrient-packed vegetables and its raw juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll. It is also a superb source of vitamins A, B complex, C, E, K, carotenes, folate, manganese, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, some trace elements and many valuable amino acids."

Knowing all these benefits lets go ahead and start cooking a bunch of fresh spinach in any form!

Guidelines for the event:

1. Create any dish using Spinach and post the same in your blog. You could use any variety of spinach. Non-Bloggers can send their recipes with the details mentioned below to the same email address.

2. Please link this announcement in your posts. Also link to Siri's blog.Usage of the logo is optional.

3. Multiple entries are more than welcome - more the merrier!

4. Send your details - Name, Recipe URL and Photo (any size, optional) to divyablogs(at)gmail(dot)com before March 31st 2010, midnight.

5. You can send previously blogged entries, provided they are re-posted!

Happy Cooking!

Also do check out the tried and Tasted event going on this month at Dil Se..


  1. Yeah, this is a nice event shall send in some entries!!!

  2. nice event..will surely send some entries..

  3. Lovely choice Divya..will send my entries..

  4. Got lot of recipes with Spinach will send soon..!!

  5. Ooooh, a favorite veggie in my family! I will surely be participating :)

  6. Hi Divya,

    I just started blogging regularly and I came across the "Spinach Event" being hosted by you when I stopped by Jagruti's Joy of Cooking.I would like to participate in this event and send in my Spinach/Canberry/BottleGourd Sambar recipe that I posted on my blog on feb 19th 2010.Can I still send it or should I repost it on my blog and then send.Let me know.
    You have a very nice blog.
    My blog is
    Visit me sometime and let me know your comments.

  7. This is a good theme Divya. Happy hosting. I would love to see the round up :)

  8. Hey Div..I had posted a spinach dish few days back,can I send in that one?

  9. healthy choice..will send in some...cute logo

  10. Wow! I have a spinach recipe in my draft .I will definitely participate in this event.Bookmarked this page

  11. Woowww....I am right in time.....I just made a spinach cannelloni yday and was waITING TO POST....RIGHT EVENT ON RIGHT TIME...WILL SURELY SEND IN MY ENTRY..:)....

    well, how have you been?'s a long time....

  12. hey nice event..will try to send something.

  13. Nice theme Divya ! Happy hosting !

  14. Hi Nice event. Will try to send mine.

    If you wish the event to appear in my Events & Roundup Blog. do leave a comment with the link.

  15. Hi Diyva,
    I was just going through Jagruti's blog and came to know about your 'Spinach Event' from there. You have a lovely blog. Glad to add you in my blogroll. I would like to participate in this event. My blog is Would love to see you sometime there. And Happy Hosting !!!!

  16. Hi Divya,
    I just stumbled onto your blog from Solai’s True Kitchen.. I was hunting for a template in burgundy for long time and found one..When I saw you had used the same one I was really attracted to ur blog  ..
    This is the first event I’m participating and I’m pretty excited..Happy Hosting !!!!

  17. Hi Divs! Can we send in non-veg entries?

  18. Hi Divya,I know its clear its a spinach even .Can i send something that I made with beetroot greens.

  19. nice to participate...sure will try to send mine..

  20. hey divya, nice theme - i just sent it my entry.

  21. Nice event will send u some recipes.

  22. Hi Divya,

    Can I send you something that I made with spinach and ground meat?

  23. I have a friend that use to eat spinach She said that her doctor recommended her for her decease and because it's so healthy so she always drink spinach's smoothies.

  24. Spinach is really very important to us as this helps to give more nutrients to body.

  25. Hi!
    Nice event.. Is it ok if I send spinach made with chicken??

  26. Spinach is one of the vegetables which helps to heal various kind of physical problems.thanks for sharing this information's about spinach here.

  27. I hate spinach though but it is indeed a natural medicine.It has a healing power which is proved scientifically.will look after for some more updates.

  28. Hello,
    Really this is an interesting blog post... I really found very delicious recipes over here.... Great! Thanks very much!


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..