Mar 8, 2010

A peek into my breakfast!

I wanted to post something today, but I had nothing in my drafts. So I just wanted everyone to have a peek into what I have for most of my breakfasts. Apart from the bread toasts, regular cereals and the authentic Indian breakfasts (reserved for weekends!) this humble oatmeal has been a regular one in my breakfast menu these days.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper ~ Adelle Davis

Though the oatmeal sounds bland and tasteless, I recently discovered that there are fun ways to pep up a normal oatmeal and make it exciting.

The following is one such oatmeal I prepared for my breakfast today. The picture does not show any of the ingredients. But read ahead to see what is hidden in my yummy oatmeal!

In the mix!

Old fashioned oats - 1/2 cup (I used Quaker old fashioned oats)
Water - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1/3 cup
Banana - 1/2
Flax seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Any granola - 1 tablespoon (I used Mango fruit Passion Granola from Trader Joes)
Peanut butter - 1/2 teaspoon (I used Trader Joes unsalted PB)

In a saucepan/pot, bring the milk and water together. Add the oatmeal and bring it to a boil. Simmer and add sliced or smashed banana. Stir continuously so that the oatmeal does not stick.
The oatmeal should be done in two minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in the granola. At this point you can add in toppings you like. I then sprinkled some flax seeds on top.
Before you are about to enjoy the oatmeal stir in half a teaspoon of peanut butter so that it melts in the warmth of the oatmeal.

Serve warm!! Makes a great wholesome and exciting breakfast!!

I know this post might seem weird with all the strange ingredients in the oatmeal. I was skeptical in the beginning to add stuff like banana and peanut butter in my oatmeal. But now I absolutely love this breakfast!

Do try this and let me know. It has the goodness of bananas, flaxseed, oats and the protein from peanut butter!
Sending this to JFI:Breakfast hosted at Veggie Platter and started by Indira.
Looks out for more exciting ways to prepare oatmeal!!

How do you like your oatmeal??


  1. good and healthy breakfast!! hey I am hosting my first event..plz check it out..

  2. I add PB & Brown sugar to my oatmeal too and love it. This looks more charged than usual - what a great idea to add granola & flax seeds as well.

  3. Wat a fantastic breakfast to start the day...

  4. Looks very appealing...Always have the Quaker oats with bananas…will try out this way..

  5. Yummy and healthy breakfast..ur recipe sounds great

  6. Healthy breakfast. You can add fresh berries as topping too, colorful and tasty. Apart from oatmeal, I like muesli mix with oats, raisins and favorite nuts for breakfast.

  7. Lovely and healthy breakfast.I love the addition of seasonal fruit and nuts also.

  8. What a healthy way to start your day!
    Thanks for participating.

  9. wow, that's a healthy b'fast you have!!

  10. lol...thats a interesting combination breakfast..

  11. interesting breakfast with all the goodness..yummyy

  12. lovely way to start your day with a power breakfast..too good.

  13. Well that's a very healthy way to start your day!!!

  14. I can never eat this, my mom always eat this and she used to tell me you don't know what is good for you :-)

  15. hey hi divya how have you been.its so true..oatmeal normally is bland but then its healthy and combining ingredients makes it interesting.

  16. Healthy one Divya..adding flax seeds is new!

  17. Healthy and different combination with flaxseeds and peanut butter

  18. that's a simple & healthy breakfast.Interesting combo

  19. THats a good one to kick start the day, dear...

  20. I am oats person but only savory version! Very different!

  21. Oatmeal breakfast looks so yummmm!

  22. nice one.. we also have oats almost everyday.. But haven't tried with granola or PB.. u can also try adding cinnamon , walnuts, cut apples n banana to the cooked oats..

  23. Hi Dhivya, First time here. Oatmeal breakfast looks healthy !! though I'm not a very big fan of it. When you find sometime do drop @

  24. Nice quote,breakfast should be very filling.I like my oatmeal with bananas and berries :D

  25. Very healthy breakfast. Your version makes it more appetizing. Love that proverb very much:)

  26. Wow lovely and healthy breakfast!!! An Award is waiting for U on Khaugiri:)

  27. Hello DIvya..
    how r u doing?U know right..India is so busy with festives and especially functions..Hope u like the new place..Oats is always my fav breakfast..Good one DIvi

  28. Hey thats really healthy breakfast. Hope I missed many of your post.. The thakali rasam looks awesome wish I could get 1 cup now.


  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. I too have oats most days... but I never tried adding peanut butter... must try soon :)


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