Mar 15, 2010

Show me Your Wholegrains!

Whole grains or foods made from them contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed. If the grain has been processed (e.g., cracked, crushed, rolled, extruded, and/or cooked), the food product should deliver approximately the same rich balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain seed. [Whole Grains Council]

You may already be eating whole grains. In a movie theater when you munch on some delicious popcorn, or enjoy a bowl of Quaker's hot oatmeal, you're probably focusing more on the delicious taste than on the fact that these foods are whole grains. Whole grains include grains like wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley, quinoa, sorghum, spelt, rye etc. – when these foods are eaten in their "whole" form.

The medical evidence is clear that whole grains reduce risks of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Few foods can offer such diverse benefits.

People who eat whole grains regularly have a lower risk of obesity, as measured by their body mass index and waist-to-hip ratios. They also have lower cholesterol levels.

Because of the phytochemicals and antioxidants, people who eat three daily servings of whole grains have been shown to reduce their risk of heart disease by 25-36%, stroke by 37%, Type II diabetes by 21-27%, digestive system cancers by 21-43%, and hormone-related cancers by 10-40%. [Whole Grains Council]

Here are some easy ways to incorporate whole grains in your normal everyday meals.

For delicious whole grain recipes check out here and here.

Now come on! Join with me in rediscovering the health benefits of whole grains this month.

Cook/bake any meal/snack with any whole grain. it can even be something raw like a salad.

Post your recipe during the event dates and send me an email to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following details before April 30th:


Recipe Name:

Recipe URL:

Picture attached: preferably of size 300x300

Multiple entries and non-veg entries are allowed.

If you have any entries in your archive, please re-post entries anytime during the event date.

Please link back to the event announcement page and feel free to use the logo.

Non-bloggers can email me your entries along with recipe and picture.

Happy cooking!


  1. Lovely event will definately send some recipes.

  2. Good theme will see if I can send in something..I came here looking for icc..I thought you will thinking how much you wanted to make it..:)

  3. Nice theme Divya:-)Will try to send at least one..

  4. Will sent you an entry Divya. The bags of grains look good.

  5. If i bake something with whol grain will send it your way.

  6. Hey Divya,

    Greattt event and will send you my entry soon!!

  7. Hi Divya I have many recipes with whole grains in my archive.How do I repost it?Can you let me know.I would like to participate in this event.

  8. Hi divya,
    Sent my entry hope you have recived it.

  9. hi divya, just sending in my entry. lovely theme!

  10. Hi,
    what happened to this event?
    As I was on holiday, I could not follow your blog regularly; and today I am checking it. when is the round up or is it cancelled?


Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..