Aug 6, 2010

Colorful Summer Salad

This is one quick and easy salads I threw in for my solo-lunch when i had no mood to cook an elaborate meal for myself. This salad has some fresh summer ingredients and the addition of nuts and raisins adds some protein to it and makes it a wholesome meal.

I actually used some trail mix in this salad!! Yes that is weird but I tell you try it next time you make a salad. it is just amazing. The nuts and dry fruits give a nice chewy/nutty texture to the salad and makes it sweet and salty!

Have you ver been to Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes? Do try it if you have one near your place. I have never been a salad person earlier until I visited Souplatiation! They have an array of soups, salads, flatbread and dessert in a buffet style and very affordable!! Real food and healthy indeed!!

Coming on to my salad, I will have to tell you this salad is truly inspired from the salads in Souplantation. I threw in various ingredients I had in my pantry and refrigerator to make it a fun and colorful meal!

My salad mix contains:
Fresh Baby Spinach Leaves
Cherry tomatoes from my little garden
Baby Carrots
Fresh Diced Pineapple
Boiled chickpeas/garbanzo beans
Trail Mix - Contains raisins, walnuts, almonds, Macademia and Brazil nuts
Raspberry Vinaigrette

Just toss all the ingredients with the drssing. Chill and Serve!


  1. looks really colorful..very healthy n filling

  2. So colorful...pass on the bowl pls :)

  3. very healthy and colorful recipe...luks delicious.. added u to my blogger friends list.. glad to follow ur blog

  4. Sooper!!! looks very colourful and refreshing

  5. Lovely salad..never heard of rasberry vinaigrette

  6. I love the idea of putting trail mix in the salad!

  7. That is sure colorful dear and nice looking :)

  8. very healthy n delicious meal put together...

  9. WOW, such a easy to cook and healthy recipe..I'm going to try this for one of my solo lunches too :)

  10. Healthy and colorful salad.. Btw I am also a great fan of Souplantation.. :)

  11. Sounds good Divya; I would perhaps slice the carrots for this recipe.

  12. Indeed, its very colorful n to grab the whole..

  13. Woww.. looks super.. thanks for the colorful and healthy salad :)

  14. Colorful indeed! I like your addition of trail mix - nice crunch and added nutrition. Raspberry vinaigrette - yum!!

  15. Really colourful and good mixture of ingredients.

  16. Wow. .Healthy one.. good for the summer..

  17. fresh and nice looking summer salad!

  18. Wow that's a lot of colors!! Pretty.

  19. Nice salad and you know what some years back when i went to sweet tomatoes i wsa bowled over by their salads and their dressings...and their pastries, soups, pastas...YUM!!!



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