Jan 13, 2011

Show Me Your Soup!

,It is freezing out there in many parts of the world and what can be more comforting than a warm bowl of soup and some crusty bread to dunk in it. After showing off your cookbooks, it is time to get cooking your favorite soups this month.

According to Wikipedia, "Soup is a food that is made by combining ingredients such as meat and vegetables with stock, juice, water or some liquid base. Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick soups. Soups are similar to stews, and in some cases there may not be a clear distinction between the two. Generally though, soups have more liquid than stews.

Homemade soups are ideal for any healthy meal plan. So, get out your aprons and start cooking your favorite soups with your favorite ingredients.

Some guidelines for the event...

All you have to do is prepare your soup with any ingredient, blog about it and fill the details in the following form!

Please link back your post to this event announcement. 

Your soup can be vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

Archived entries are allowed if reposted and linked back to this announcement page.

Feel free to use the logo.

Send in all your entries to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com before Feb 28, 2011.


  1. Nice event for this cold weather, happy hosting.

  2. wonderful theme...apt for this weather...will send in my entries

  3. happy hosting divya.. perfect theme! will send my entries..

  4. Happy Pongal Divya! Nice theme for this weather:) will definitely send mine.

  5. very interesting divya,will send in my entries:)

  6. nice event....will send my entries soon...

  7. Hey Divya,

    I tried entering the form but it said servor error...Can you give me your email id??i shall send your an email...easy for me to participate in your soup event as this month iam hosting the same!!)Mine is drssameena@hotmail.com

    Or my entries are given below...




    Once you accpet my entries,i shall linkup...Thnx..



  8. Soup is something er have every afternoon for lunch, it is a must for hubby to have a bowl before the main lunch if i make a new one will send your way.

  9. That's a nice one Divya. Will try something soon. Happy hosting!

  10. good theme for this weather here in hyd..will send my entries

  11. Nice event , will try to take part.

    Happy Pongal

  12. Soup is perfect for this cold days. I will try to send one :)
    Happy Pongal :)

  13. Hey Divya,

    I would like to participate in the show me your soup event. I couldn't create a form as it showed me error while creating. I would like to email you the link and the snap shot of my soup. could you please share your email id? My email is gdivya85@gmail.com.

    Also, the link to my food blog/soup is http://foodcorridor.blogspot.com/2011/01/red-pepper-lentil-soup.html

    Appreciate your reply.

  14. a good theme for ths weather.... will soon send ma entry...happy hosting..


  15. nice event...I have already sent mine..


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