Jan 19, 2010

Show Me Your Salad!

I am here with the next edition of Show Me Your.. series. After enjoying all those festive foods, it is the time of the year to eat healthy with all the new year resolutions coming in. Salads are a great way to include fresh vegetables, fruits and greens in a normal diet. They are easy to put together and requires minimum preparation time. Anything and everything can go into a salad and it tastes great with a simple dressing.

So get ready to toss your salads.

Here are some guidelines for the event.

Prepare your salad and post it on your blog.

You could send any number of entries.
Try to keep the salads as healthy as possible.
You could include any type of fruits, vegetables and grains in the salad. Non-vegetarian salads are also allowed.
You could also give the recipe of the dressing you used if you like.
Please link back all entries to the announcement post.

Archived entries are allowed but you need to repost them and also link back to the announcement.

Send me an email to divyablogs[AT]gmail[DOT]com by February 28th with the following details.

Name of salad:
URL of recipe/post:
Picture attached:

Feel free to use the logo. non-bloggers can email me your entries.

Also do check my previous editions of the event. I will be posting the roundup of Show Me Your Cake shortly.

Show Me Your Breakfast Part I
Show Me Your Breakfast Part II
Show Me Your Sandwich
Show Me Your Omelette
Show Me Your Lunchbox


  1. Very good event Divya you thought about...i'll send mine..


  2. Oh cool, nothing like a good, fresh salad. I find I have to eat it with every meal. I've got a great recipe that I just might have to enter in this. Great picture by the way!

  3. Lovely theme...will send my entries soon..

  4. Dear Divya,
    I am a salad person and would love to send atleast one entry to your wonderful event.

  5. Welcoming summer already?? Logo looks cute..will try to send an entry.

  6. Nice event..It would be great if everyone shares the recipes too...

  7. Seriously nice way to start up the year ! Will surely participate !

  8. Hey, just came across this event. I have something to send:)

  9. Fantastic event .Count me in .I am a salad freak. I am so eager to see what others will send.

  10. Great choice-I will definetly keep in mind!

  11. Your "Show Me Your ....." series is going grt!! Love the logo :-)

  12. Logo looks very interesting. I will definitely send in atleast one salad.

  13. Liked the Log; really eye-catching!
    Will definitely send in my entry.

  14. That is one tall salad girl, looks great. Good entry.

  15. Hey Divya,
    I have posted a salad on my blog. Have send it to your event as well:)

  16. I am in .. this time I promise to be on time! Thanks for hosting this event Divya! I am looking forward to the cake round-up :D

  17. Hi Div, hope you got my entry for the event!

  18. Hey Divya

    sent a salad recipe to your email..it's posted on my blog.

  19. Hi Divya,
    I have sent my entry!!
    Waiting for the round up.

  20. Hi Divya
    I have sent you my entry for salad event

  21. Nice event will try to send in mine soon.

    Do checkout my Events n Roundup blog. Leave a comment to get ur events updated @ www.sarafoodevents.blogpot.com

  22. nice event... i have sent my my entry .. hope u reveive it ..

  23. Hi there, cool event you have here!!!

    First time on your blog...I like your impressive collection of recipes!! Will definitely send an entry for this event and be back to browse thru your next recipe!

  24. Hi
    Nice event. I have sent you my entry yesterday. Hope you consider my last minute entry.

  25. We sent you an entry for show me your salad called "spring in a bowl" We linked the event to our post too..am not sure if you got it as we did not receive any acknowledgment. Do let us know, Thanks :-)



Thanks for dropping by my blog and rendering your valuable comments..Hope you had a nice time reading my recipes..Thanks for your encouragement..