Feb 3, 2010

Orange Marmalade

Living in California where people grow orange trees at home, I find fresh oranges almost throughout the year in our grocery store. I make fresh orange juice for breakfast everyday. I wanted to make orange marmalade for long. When I saw this recipe in Beyond Curries long back I had bookmarked it and wanted to try it when I get a stash of fresh and ripe oranges.. Now that oranges are in season I made these with fresh oranges and also froze half of them so that we are left with a supply of marmalade.

Fresh orange - 10
Lemon - 2
Sugar - 2 cups
Pectin - 1 packet

Sterilize the canning jam jars and lids with hot water.
Take lemon and orange zest from about 3 oranges and 1 lemon. It should make about 1 cup.
using a juicer, juice all the oranges and lemons carefully saving the remaining pulp.
In a heavy bottomed vessel add the juice mixture, sugar and pulp. Also add the pectin powder. Keep stirring for about 20 to 25 minutes. The marmalade will thicken. If it is still runny, keep stirring for a few more minutes.

Test the consistency by pouring a little marmalade on a cold plate (keep a plate to chill in the freezer for about 10 minutes). One the marmalade is poured in the cold plate, it should thicken to a jam consistency. If it does not thicken, it needs to be cooked for some more time.

Once the marmalade is cooked and it is cooled a little, transfer it to the sterilized jars and close with the lids. Allow the marmalade to settle for about a day.
Store in the refrigerator.

Stays fresh in refrigerator for about 3 weeks and in the freezer for months!

Sending this to Back to Basics initially started by Jaya.

Sending the following recipes to Food for 7 stages of life hosted by Radhika and Sudeshna.

Instant Tortilla Pizza

Bread Pizza
Bottlegourd wraps
Homemade Bean burritos
Egg Cheese English Muffin Sandwich


  1. Dear Divya, I am not a marmalade fan but the colour looks so tempting.
    BTW I announced my first event yesterday and I am surely looking forward to ur entries. Do check it out.

  2. yummy marmalade...lovely colour..will be getting lot of oranges now..chinese new year in few days..

  3. wonderful colour...delicious marmalade..

  4. Feel the citrus taste! New to me. Lovely color.

  5. I too buy lots of orange through out year. I got blood oranges 2 weeks back! Wonderful marmalade

  6. im not a marmalade fan but yours looks delectable and indeed worth tasting it with some hot toast! Could yu fedex a bottle?

  7. Nothing can beat home made ones. Good marmalade.

  8. Orange marmalade looks yumm!! send me some coz am the one who loves this marmalade at home..

  9. looks really yummy!!!lovely colour:)

  10. woooww...what a colour....I love the slight bitterness in the marmalade....how much pectin will be there in 1 packet?

  11. Thee was a time when i was crazy for orange marmalade, these days i like them but not so crazy. Nothing better than homemade marmalade.

  12. Marmalade looks so colourful and fresh.Lovely click.

  13. ஆரஞ்சு மர்மலாண்ட் ரொம்ப அருமையா இருக்கு..

  14. lovely...I can almost feel the aroma of oranges here....

  15. Nice clicks...Even i wann try making this..great recipe..Thanks for sharing

  16. homemade marmalade sounds and looks yummy! I also bookmarked this recipe from beyondcurries, but yet to try :)

  17. thanks for the recipe...these are some of them which cant be found very easily

  18. Beautiful pics Div... So you are prepping up for summer uhhh???

  19. wow... so colorful and lovely presentation too...

  20. yummm!!! please ship it to our address. lol

  21. wow, such a nice colored marmalade..too good and too tempting.

  22. Wonderful recipe Divya I would love to spread some on my toast.

  23. Hi Divya
    Wonderful recipe...... and awesome clicks..... The clicks are so so tempting........

  24. Lovely recipe Divya! Love the clicks as well...


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